Week 11- Tuned Percussion and Dance Routine

This week in both of our music and dance in-puts we were focusing on improvisation and how it can impact and help children’s confidence levels. In our music in-put this week we were playing on different tuned percussion instruments and also had a chance to improvise ourselves in front of our peers. In our drama in-put this week we were creating a full dance routine as a whole group.

This week in music we were working on our musical skills that we have been developing over the past couple of weeks. By using the skills and the confidence that have already gained we were able to take some pieces of music and practise them in our groups. Whilst

practising we were able to hear each other play and also see just how much we have improved since starting music a few weeks ago. It was a great feeling to see just how much everyone has improved but also to see the progress that everyone has made. At the end of the in-put everyone took it in turn to improvise on each instrument that they were playing on. We all listened to each other and enjoyed getting to hear just how much everyone has improved.

Following on from this week’s music in-put we had our dance in-put and we were creating a dance routine all together. This week we were all standing in a circle and one of us would come up with a move on the spot for every group to put into their dance routine. This gave us the confidence to improvise in a different subject than we are used to. By working on improvisation in dance it also helped to improve our confidence skills by being able to support each other and to actually have the confidence to move on our own in front of each other. We also learned that improvising is a great way for children to feel fully part of the dance lessons, they get to feel in control of their learning and also get to show everyone what they can do and what they have learned.

This week we have learned the importance of improvising and the affects that it can have on children and everything that they learned and will learn. Improvisation this week has also given both myself and my peers a confidence that we never thought we would have gained.

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