Week 6- Print Making and Finding A Beat

This week’s art in-put consisted of us as future educators being creative in such a way that some of us never thought we of. This linked to our music in-put as we were finding pieces in music that again most of us never thought we could have. This week was about if you can put your mind to it you simply can do it.

To begin the week my group started off by print making. Print making contains a lot of steps and focus is required so the prints can turn out perfect. Many people in my section thought that they would be able to just let one person do all the work and not really take part as they thought they were not creative enough. However, this was not the case! Print making requires everyone to think exactly what it is they want to say. As future educators we decided to make and use our own inspirational quotes. Print making is also a way for everyone to work together and to communicate with each other. Whilst print making we were also able to choose whatever colour that we wanted to use, this also allows children to have freedom whilst print making even though it does have a set of instructions that do need to be followed. Print making although appears to be challenging when it is explained to you can be extremely easy and fun when you as a learner put your mind to it.

This was the same case when we were taking part in our music in-put. Our music in-put this week was all about finding a beat and how we could follow a beat by banging drumsticks on our chairs or our legs or simply against each other. Finding a beat and the challenge of finding a beat can be extremely difficult for children to get their head around as in many occasion’s children do not even know what a beat is to begin with. However, once children have the drumsticks in their hand’s they are able to experience how to find a beat with their own hands, it suddenly for most children can become a lot easier. This allowed us to find different pieces in music through the beats that without knowing or hearing the beat we would not be able to find.

Both of these in-puts were about putting your mind to something then they can achieve anything they desire. Children without expressive arts may not be able to believe that tasks that come with challenges they may not be able to achieve, however the arts allow children to see that when they truly put their minds to something that they can achieve it.

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