Week 4- Micro Teaching and Writing Over Our Own Work

This weeks inputs highlighted just how different people and learners with the same set of instructions can interpret them so differently. In drama this week, some of the groups including my own took the class for our micro-teaching inputs. Throughout this weeks visual arts input we took the pictures that we painted last week and wrote our own highland experience or poem over them, using the lines that were created throughout the painting.

Throughout this weeks drama lesson we were focusing on micro-teaching and the importance of it. My group decided to take on the role of teaching a theme, this was the theme of the titanic. We chose the titanic as it is a topic in which we could teach and explore our own emotions and so could our peers. This would be useful in a classroom environment as we could our class why it is important that we use our emotions but also how to link them to our curriculum work. The micro-teaching inputs showed just how diverse lessons can be and how different people can take the same instructions but interpret them in such different ways, the same as art can be.

This week’s art inputs followed on from last weeks. We took our paintings that we painted with our own hand made paintbrush. We then had the chance to write either a highland experience that we had experienced ourselves or we could use the internet to find a highland poem which we would write over the top of our painting. Whilst writing over the top of our painting we would follow the shape of the lines that were already on the painting. Although this task had a set of instructions that we had to follow, just like the drama task for this week we were able to focus on and put our own personal touches towards it. Which truly made it our own.

I believe that haven been given a set of instructions but also being allowed to have our own freedom of how exactly we wanted to execute each task is a highly important as children would also appreciate this. If we, as future educators, implement this into our own classrooms our children will be able to flourish and show their own creative freedom. Allowing children to show their own creative freedom also allows us as there teachers to get to know their personalities and show parts of themselves that they may not have the opportunity to through maths and literacy.

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