Co-operative Working

The benefits of working co-operatively are endless especially in the teaching profession. Working in a supportive, team environment is much preferred than on my own. Working, studying and discussing ideas with others helps consolidate and enhance your knowledge and learning. Working co-operatively helps develop skills such as effective communication, time management and meeting deadlines, compromising to ensure harmony and commitment. If everyone puts in the same effort and work, the outcome will be significantly more successful. Co-operative working, if successful, will help in future endeavours as you can use your past experiences and put them into practice.

Challenges of working co-operatively

It’s not fair to others to only contribute a marginal amount and doing so completely questions your integrity if you take credit for others hard work. On the other hand it is equally unfair if one person takes charge and makes it difficult for others to contribute their thoughts and ideas. In the first week of my social justice module, we set reasonable rules for everyone to adhere to. One included all taking a turn to scribe for the blog. This allows everyone at some point to take a leadership role and organise our group. If we do not contribute and communicate our ideas then the scribe will be doing all the work their selves for the blog and this is not fair when it comes to your turn.

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