Author Archives: Hope Russell

Why do I want to be a teacher?

I first decided I wanted to be a teacher when I was in primary school. My primary one and two teacher, Mrs Henderson, made me feel so comfortable for being such a shy and quiet child. I would get upset and she would sit me on her lap and pull a tissue out of her sleeve for me. From then, I have always wanted to work with children and have the positive effect that Mrs Henderson had on me.

Through secondary school, I did work experience placement in a primary school in my area.  I was put into a primary one class where i worked with groups of children at a time through different activities such as maths, literacy and arts and crafts. This made me want to continue working with children in a school setting.

After school, I went to college to study Early Education and Childcare. I really enjoyed this and my placement was a great experience as I was in a primary school instead of a nursery. I became very close to my mentor and she gave me a deep insight into all the work and planning she did in her job. I was given so many opportunities to learn and after seeing the work she put into the class made me sure that I wanted to follow in her footsteps.

Since I had completed my college course, I have worked in a nursery for the past year. In previous jobs I would always dread going to work in the morning, however I love going to work, seeing the children and working closely with the other staff. When I started I was in the preschool room, working with children aged three to five. I got so much enjoyment out of planning activities and linking them to the curriculum. I was then asked to move into the baby room, I liked being in this room however I preferred working with the children who were older and had stronger communication skills. This made me want to study Primary Education more.