Sustainable Development BA2

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Interdependence – Learning Log 3


Interdependence is the way in which two living things depend on each other to grow and remain healthy. There are three main components on interdependence;

  • Economics
  • Social
  • Environmental

The economic takes in the global markets and financial institutions. The social takes in the media advertising and cultural integration. The environment needs to look beyond the local area and look at our global responsibilities that everyone has a job to maintain the web of life. Interdependence has an effect on the food supply and food chains, plant and animal breeding and crop protection and animal welfare. Furthermore it affects symbiosis, social behaviours and there is the fear of extinction with the threats due to biodiversity.

Interdependence can be seen through food chains be it at , sea or on land .  An example of interdependence problems that has been going on for years is the pollution in the ocean. This affects the water due to the chemicals which end up in the water because of the pollution and therefore the plants take on these chemicals and the fish eat these plants and then we eat the fish therefore causing harm to the ocean, the fish and to us. In the classroom an activity to show interdependence could be to  make a food chain  cycle where the children have to fit the flashcard with words or picture in the correct place in the cycle, thus reinforcing interdependence. An infant class could do this with pictures only. It could be differentiated in middle school with flashcards and explanations and upper school they could make their own cycles. I myself am now aware of the pollution can be caused in the ocean due the task I completed in my group. I was shocked and disgusted at the pollution that even I am involved with the things I through out. Therefore I see it as crucial that we teach children the importance of this in the classroom from an early age.

When on work experience I was in a P2 class and they were doing a topic on interdependence, they had to go out with me to the school grounds and look for all sorts of mini beasts. We brought these back to the classroom and discussed how the fox – mouse – spider – fly – grass and how it was all interrelated through interdependence. I was actually amazed at how the children grasped the concept.

Research using the computers would be a good way of letting children find out about endangered animals and how in some countries large animals are killed for example an elephant being killed for their tusks and there is a chance of extinction if this continues.

This section also looked at two different types of farms and how this related to the economical factors of interdependence to maintain these farms, which I have previously discussed in my independent study task which can be found on my previous blogs.

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