
The topic that we covered in the past two weeks have considerably built up my knowledge on disasters. In this weeks input we were asked to take part in a micro teaching task where we were split into groups and given separate tasks to do. My group was assigned to give a presentation on floods.

The micro-teaching task was not only interesting, but useful as I have improved various skills. My group had to have effective communication to decide what we wanted to include in our PowerPoint presentation and also assign roles for each person. In the beginning, communication was poor because everyone had different ideas of what we should include but eventually we all agreed and listened to each others ideas. I also improved my time management skills because we had to make sure our PowerPoint lasted 15 minutes. This was difficult because we were all speaking quickly so we had to slow the pace down. This also meant that the audience would be able to  hear everyone clearly. I focused on improving my presentation skills because I felt like this would be useful for the future. As a teacher, I will be presenting regularly. I wanted to make sure that my body language was positive and that I spoke clearly and concisely in order to present myself effectively.

I was intrigued to learn new facts and figures about floods and other disasters. The PowerPoints presented were helpful in giving information that I can take to the classroom and also if I am ever involved in a disaster.

Click on the link below to view the Floods Presentation.

Floods Presentation

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