Stress Hardiness

The purpose of this article is to investigate the effects of social support, hardiness, challenge, and the control on the relationship between stress and depression.

Stress has a major impact on a person’s life. In some cases stress can be positive, for example having nerves when carrying out a presentation may aid you and show that you care about presenting well. On the other hand, stress can have a massive negative impact on a person’s health, such as anxiety and mental breakdown’s. To combat stress social support is very important. Social support is the degree to which a person’s basic social needs are met through interaction with others. This is extremely important in combating stress because engaging with other people can allow people to relieve their stress through speaking or even from a sense of touch.

Depression is another factor that negatively affects a person’s health. There is no positive effects of having depression. To conquer depression, social support is also very important. Being able to interact with family, friends and helpful networks are essential in make a person feel more important and less alone.

Being unable to have control over your life has a negative impact of a person’s health because it can cause things such as stress and depression. Being unorganised and out of control can lead a person to become very anxious and more likely to have a mental breakdown. A way to allow control in a person’s life is to keep updated with workloads, for example when you are in University.



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