Room Reflection

As a child, I used to read a lot. As the years have went by, the amount of books I read has declined each year because my work load has increased. If I ever try to read now, I start to feel guilty and think about other work that I could be doing. When the holidays come around, I always make time to read because I feel relaxed enough to do so.

In general, I’m not a fussy reader. I tend to read fiction books of all genres, but I occasionally like to read a non-fiction book for some variety. I would say that my favourite genre is crime fiction and mystery, but I don’t like reading fantasy books.

I loved reading the book Room. Before we were asked to read it at University, a friend had recommended it to me, so I have now read room twice and enjoyed it even more the second time!! It was different to any story that I have every read before because it was written in a child’s perspective. I felt like the book gave me an insight into a child’s mind, and made me aware of the grammatical errors that children can make in their language. I was also interested to find out that the story had been based on the Joseph Fritzl story. I would definitely recommend Room because it was so different to any book that I had read and it would give them a new experience in reading books.

I felt that Room definitely challenged me as a reader because it forced me to think in a childlike manor. I sometimes had to go back and read sentences again to gain understanding of what Jack was saying. It could be hard to understand due to the way that he said some words, e.g. melted spoon. I feel like this has developed my reading skills because it has let me identify errors in our English language.

Before reading Room, I had never really considered how fiction can be used in Academic study. I now understand that it is possible because I have learned a lot about the English language whilst reading Room. Although I enjoyed reading room, it has not encouraged me to read any more than I do already. I feel that the book has encouraged me to read some books that I wouldn’t have before reading Room to allow me to have new experiences in reading.


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