
During this imput the theme we looked at is energy. We are dependent on fossil fuels for a number of different things including generation of electricity, transport fuels, plastics, and cooking and heating. Unfortunately they are not sustainable and optimistic estimations show that we will run out of Oil in 45 years, gas 72 years , and coal 252 years. This means we need to work towards other alternative to fossil fuels in order to generate electricity, power vehicles and make materials. Alternatives include using hydrogen as a fuel, wave power and wind power.

As a teacher I think it is important to educate children about energy and the importance finding alternative energy sources. As it is likely oil will run out during their lifetime it will have an impact on them and therefore they should have the knowledge required to make informed choices about the energies that they use.

We also completed a number of experiments in the science lab about electricity some of which I felt would be appropriate for children to complete if there are appropriate spaces and resources. I also learned about the need to prepare and test experiments beforehand to ensure they work for the children. Also in the instances when they don’t work to explore why it did not work.

Finally we also took part in a mock debate about wind energy. From the research we did I am not convinced that wind energy in Scotland is the way forward. If only 30% of electricty was provided this way there would be 174 blackout days each year. Wind turbines also need to be replaced every 20 years which is costly and damaging to the environment. I think that allowing a class to take part in a debate this way is a really useful activity as it encourages children to work in groups, develops knowledge acquiring skills and communication skills. However I think a certain amount of input from the teacher is necessary to ensure children behave appropriately when doing a debate. That they do not take any of it personally and appreciate that it should not continue as an argument outside the classroom.

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