Room 13 and Grid Notation/Figure Notes





During our final session, we looked at ‘Room 13’. Previously, we had been asked to examine the Claire Fowler text on Room 13. Room 13 is a small art room in Caol School in Fort William. Their mission is to create “a long term collaboration between ‘artists of all ages'” (Room 13, 2012). The creators insist that you are never too young to be an artist, and the focus on a child-centred style of education. The lessons are never teacher-led, and this allows creativity and pride to flow into the pupil’s work. They are therefore more equipped to handle serious issues (e.g. domestic violence, etc.) using art as a medium of expression.

I believe that this is effective because it stops Art being a ‘cookie-cut’ subject (where all the children’s work is supposed to be the same), and allows children to focus on their own development instead of feeling pressured from a teacher-enforced topic, or from direct comparison to another pupil’s work (as this does not show worth).





During our Music workshop, we explored alternative methods to traditional notation. The benefits of using grids or figure notes are that they are more inclusive. We watched a clip of an Additional Support Needs School using figure notes instead of traditional methods of note-making, and the children and young people found it much easier to use. They instead use familiar shapes and colours to identify notes on a keyboard, glockenspiel, guitar etc. The use of familiar shapes/colours allows for a foundation to build upon, and encourages those with no formal musical education to join in with others when playing a large-scale piece (e.g. at a school concert).

I believe that this would be effective with children because it would teach them to have confidence in their own ability before quitting due to a struggle with note-reading. As Music is a subject that allows for freedom of expression, confidence can be increased through playing an instrument/singing. If we, as educators, allowed for a more inclusive and equal introduction to Music, more students may be willing to try Music, and therefore more student may become more confident adults (both personally and academically).




Image found at:
International, R. 13 (2012) Room 13 international. Available at: (Accessed: 6 December 2016).

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