IB Reflection 2 – Similarities and differences between IB and CFE

The similarities between the CfE capacities and the IB learner profile are vast, however, they also have varying approaches to their aims, but both produce the same results.

IB shares similarities with CfE as they both encourage students to be thoughtful individuals. It focuses on creating caring pupils, whereas CfE encourages children to be respectful of others and teaches how to care for other people’s feelings. The four capacities for learners that CfE create mirrors the values that IB strives to achieve.

There are not many differences between the CfE capacities and the IB learner profile. The main one being that in the IB learner profile they describe communicators as being a good listener which is an attribute of CfE. IB also encourages the ability to speak and understand more than one language. Languages are taught in the CfE curriculum, however, pupils are not pushed to be fluent in more than one language.

I experienced attributes of the IB curriculum within my own learning through research work and learning about cultures around the world. This encouraged the ‘thinker’ and ‘inquirer’ aspect of the IB learner profile.

Also when on placement, pupils were learning about the culture in Africa, and through doing this, I have experienced them being ‘knowledgeable’.

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