Based on my personal knowledge alone, I expected Digital Technologies to be an informative module focusing solely on how to best use online resources effectively in future classroom settings. I presumed the teaching would be based on how to construct lessons using online devices and apps. However, after experiencing the first session and reading “The National Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy 2016” by the Scottish Government, I recognise that digital technology also includes using programmable toys, coding devices and many other tools as opposed to exclusively improving online skills. Education Scotland (2015) defined digital technology as, “a term used to describe those digital applications, services and resources which are used to: find, analyse, create, communicate and use information in a digital context.” In addition, although I believed use of digital technology in the classroom enhanced the learning of pupils, I was informed during this session that it is beneficial to parents also.
I recognise that this module will be beneficial to my teaching skills since the Scottish Government have decided to begin a strategy to place an emphasis on using digital technologies in the classroom. I learned that the Scottish Government began enforcing the importance of digital learning since they believe, “if used effectively and appropriately, digital technology can enhance learning and teaching, equip our children and young people with vital digital skills and crucially, it can lead to improved educational outcomes” (Scottish Government, 2016, p. 3). One reason why there has been an emphasis on digital technologies placed is to introduce technology that will allow parents to communicate easily with their child’s school to be aware of and support their child’s learning. Alongside pupils and parents, teachers will also reap the benefits of increased digital technology in the classroom. The Government want to allow teachers to receive training on how to appropriately use new technologies in order for it to be more frequently and confidently used for teaching and assessing in education (The National Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy, 2016). This empowers teachers and older generations with additional knowledge to comprehend and use up-to-date technology in both personal and social environments as well as professional.
Additional reasons for introducing technology more frequently in the classroom are known to be: to raise attainment and achievement, to close the attainment gap, to engage learners and to develop the young workforce (The National Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy, 2016). The strategy for emphasising this new skill in schools focuses on four key objectives: to develop the skills of our educators, to enhance curriculum and assessment delivery, to improve access and to empower leaders of change.
This session also allowed us to navigate our way around ‘Glow’ which is a digital learning environment available to educators and learns in Scotland. Previously, I had limited knowledge about this learning tool therefore found this aspect of the class beneficial. I now understand the benefits and uses of Glow in more depth and hope to continuously develop my knowledge.
Overall, I believe this first session helped me in identifying my personal needs for improvement in relation to digital technology and also improved my knowledge on what to further expect in upcoming classes. I am looking forward to the additional information I am still to learn and am hopeful that I will use my skills in future classes.
Scottish Government. (2016) A Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy for Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Government (Online) Available at [Accessed: 09 January 2018]