Reflection of behaviour management within the classroom.

Behaviour management is one of the most important factors, but can also be the toughest within an educational setting. There are many reasons that behaviour needs to be managed; to create a classroom setting where learning can flourish and the children need to feel successful, to allow the children to feel safe, to have and gain respect, and to teach the children about socially appropriate and acceptable behaviour. However, it is important for teachers to consider the style they approach certain situations in order to gain the correct behaviour management. For example, (Hook and Vass, no date, p.9) state that effective teachers approach behaviour with a very positive attitude. It is important that you emphasise more on positive statements rather than negative, the use of praise and rewards, and to highlight on their success rather than highlighting when they make mistakes. If a child is talking and not paying attention, some teachers may approach this situation by saying “can you stop talking and pay attention please?” However, a more positive outlook to this situation can be “I need you to choose to face the front and listen to me. Thanks” This is focusing more on what they should be doing, rather than what they are doing wrong.

Leading up to my MA1 Professional Practice placement, I felt that behaviour management was going to be the most intimidating factor for me. Because of this, I read up on a lot of behaviour management books and texts on how to deal with certain situations involving behaviour in the classroom. I felt that this helped me prepare myself for my placement, and gave me a bigger wealth of knowledge. However, during my placement, I had to deal with a wide variety of behaviour management, and could not believe how well and confidently I dealt with it. Moving on to my MA3 Professional Practice placement, I feel this will now be one of my stronger areas.


Hook, P and Vass, A. (no date) Behaviour Management Pocketbook, United Kingdom: Teachers’ Pocketbooks.

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