Structural Inequality 18/09/18

Last week I attended a seminar which was based on values module. It was very informative and interesting group work. We were split into four groups and my table was given a pack with resources. We were not allowed to look in the pack until we listened to the instructions.

In our pack we had lot of  resources such as paper clips, coloured paper, pencils, scissors, and cello tape etc. We were asked to use  all the resources and prepare some beneficial information for the new students at university.  First we discussed what could be done, but later we changed our plan and made icebreaker game by using different colour paper, scissors and pens.

All groups presented their finished work as a team and we were given scores in the end. My group was a winner but realised that we have done little work and had most resources than everyone.  This made me think. How is possible as we were happy to win but there was doubt? How?

At the end teacher gave us the reason for winning and losing, which made me think that how a person will feel if there is injustice in system. Structural inequalities can arise advantage for some people and disadvantage for some others. If there is a deliberate inequality in the system, which has happened in past years as slavery and racism, can raise injustice and irresponsible behaviour in society towards each other. Everybody should be treated on individual basis and personality. For example all children and young people are not same and we should respect and support them on individual basis. Also If one child have all the attention resources and others have less and no support. There is a ideal example  of structural inequality in classroom which gave me valuable lesson for my professional development in coming years.


Sometimes we as person will have a lot of opportunities but compare yourself to other fellows who are unfortunate will miss, due to social, emotional or any other barriers.

The structural inequilty can build up hatred , crime and  unjustified thinking and behaviour in society.


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