Fiona McNulty UWS ITE ePDP

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Digital Technologies, 05 March, Games based Learning


This week we were learning about the advantages of game based learning in the classroom. Whilst digital games based learning is relatively new thanks to the advent of personal computing in the 1980’s and the internet in the 1990’s, the link between learning and playing predates the digital era by thousands of years.  Theorists Jean Piaget and Leonard Vygotsky have also argued  “that play is a crucial component of cognitive development from birth through to childhood “(Higher Education Academy Website). Game based learning has been defined by Mathew Farber as “students are provided with a gameful learning experience driven by play”.  So what are the benefits of games based learning? Benefits can be listed as:

  • Increased Motivitation
  • Grab Attention
  • Recall of Information
  • Reinforce knowledge
  • Stress free and pleasurable

To test our own knowledge of the benefits of games based learning, working in groups we created a mind map listing benefits that we thought would be appropriate:


One of the benefits we agreed on was that games based learning could be used for interdisciplinary learning. This was confirmed when we learned about a lesson that had been conducted using a Nintendo Wii and the game Rockband. At the beginning of the lesson, pupils had the chance to play the game where they were part of a rockband. Using this as a stimulus pupils were asked to:

  • Design a poster for their band/concert – translate into different languages appropriate for audience
  • Plan a world tour for the band – looking at different travel options
  • Generate tickets prices for the concert ensuring a profit was made
  • Write a report on their experiences

Using this as a lesson would cover many experiences and outcomes of Curriculum for Excellence:

  • I can use the terms profit and loss in buying and selling activities and can make simple calculations for this. MNU 2-09c
  • Having explored the ways journeys can be made, I can consider the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of transport, discussing their impact on the environment. SOC 2-09a
  • I use the support of others and access appropriate reference materials of my choice to help me plan my writing in ways that engage my reader, using ICT when appropriate. MLAN 2-12a / MLAN 3-12a / MLAN 4-12a
  • By considering the type of text I am creating, I can select ideas and relevant information, organise these in an appropriate way for my purpose and use suitable vocabulary for my audience. LIT 2-26a

Having looked at a lesson that had already been delivered and the areas of the curriculum covered, in groups we created our own interdisciplinary lesson plan based on the game Mario Kart using the Nintendo Wii:

The only problem we encountered when devising our lesson plan was trying to fit all our ideas in! For fun we also created our own vehicles:

Previous to undertaking the Digital Technologies module, something like this would have filled me with fear. I do not consider myself to be particularly creative but when you can see how simple things can be to be added to these lessons my self doubt has disappeared. Although my drawing skills still need a lot of improvement!

Whilst I thoroughly enjoyed to todays session and was amazed by all the benefits that game based learning can bring to a lesson, I am aware that there can be challenges. As stated in a Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy for Scotland these can be listed as:

  • Identifying a suitable game / part of a game
  • Integrating the game – time/structure of the day
  • Teacher confidence/skills
  • Assessment – nature of traditional assessments – conducive to assessing digital technology
  • Resources/budget

The main challenge I can think of and the one that I would have most control over would be my own confidence and skills.  By undertaking this module my confidence has soared with digital technologies. I have a much better understanding of how they can enhance a lesson and to be honest I probably know more than what I thought I knew. By continuing to develop my knowledge, understanding and confidence in this area I am sure I will use everything we have learned so far. Games based learning can open up so many opportunities for learning and I endeavour to use this where appropriate throughout my future career.


Reference List 

Farber, M(2016) 3 Ways to Use Game-Based Learing [Online] Available: [Accessed: 12/03/2018]

Higher Education Academy (2017) Gamificaiton and Games-Based learning [Online] Available: [Accessed: 12/03/2018]

Scottish Executive (2004) Curriculum for Excellence. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive

Scottish Government (2016) A Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy for Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Government

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