Fiona McNulty UWS ITE ePDP

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Digital Technologies, Ebooks/Mobile Devices, 05 Feb 2018


This week our learning focused on creating an ebook using a mobile device. Working in a small group, we created a mind map on what we thought an ebook was and what benefits it could bring to the classroom:

Some of the group regularly used ebooks in a personal capacity, simply for reading traditional texts such as novels. The Oxford Dictionary defines an ebook as “An electronic version of a printed book which can be read on a computer or a specifically designed handheld device”. In the short time we experienced creating an ebook I think they can be defined as so much more than this, especially when incorporating multimodal texts.  This week we were using Ipads and we were introduced to an App called Book Creator. As part of our next task we created an ebrochure for prospective students attending UWS using the Book Creator App. This is where we truly saw the benefits of ebooks. As they are used on mobile devices they are totally portable. This meant we were able to visit various parts of the campus and take photographs and record images.We were able to add special effects to our images and also record and add sound. This meant our ebrochure was a multimodal text instead of something that could simply be read. By using Apps such as this it helped bring the text to life, making a more interactive and interesting read.

Our final task today was to work individually creating a summary of a children’s book using Book Creator. This activity could be used in a lesson to cover Experiences and Outcomes of Curriculum for Excellence (Scottish Executive 2004):

  • To show my understanding across different areas of learning, I can identify and consider the purpose and main ideas of a text (LIT 1-16a)
  • I can explore and experiment with digital technologies and can use what I learn to support and enhance my learning in different contexts (TCH 1-01a)

By using a lesson such as this in literacy, it can break down barriers for children who are not as confident in their literacy skills. There are many different tools that can be used on the Book Creator App including voice recording. A child could record their summary of the book to work in tandem with images. This makes the lesson inclusive for all and helps to build up confidence in children.  As stated by Beauchamp (2012)  “The first, and perhaps most important, reason for using ICT in the classroom is that it can have a positive effect on attainment”

Having had a brief encounter with the Book Creator App before today’s lesson, I was perhaps apprehensive about using it. Having had the opportunity to explore the features in more depth, and see how it can be used in a lesson I definitely feel more confident and will certainly use it in my future career.


Reference List

Beauchamp, G (2012) ICT in the primary school: from pedagogy to practise Harlow: Pearson

Oxford Dictionary (2018)  – E-Book Definition[Online] [Accessed 11 February 2018] Author: Oxford University

Scottish Executive (2004) Curriculum for Excellence. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive


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