Category Archives: 2.2 Education Systems & Prof. Responsibilities

Differentiation in maths.

How to adapt an activity to suit all the pupils in the classroom.

Creating a lesson based upon data collecting can be tricky especially when the learners in your class will all be at different stages of development. It is very important to differentiate the lesson so that the content of the lesson will be suitable for alk the learners in the classroom.

An example of an activity could be collecting data based on favourite flavours of crisps. The first part of the task that could be differentiated could be the set up of writting down the data, for pupils who are working at a lower stage a pre made grid with the flavours written down already would be good. For children who are working at a higher stage could create their own graph, also how the data is recorded could also differentiated, from dots at a lower stage and tally marks at a higher stage.

Once the data has been gathered the task of writting up the results in a graph can be differentiated, for lower stages a pre drawn graph with an X and Y axis already written on the graph. For pupils working at a higher stage it would be appropriate for those pupils draw their own graph from the very begining.  Different graphs can also be used depending on the stages of develoment for example a bar graph for children working at a lower stage and a pie chart for children working at a higher stage. Finally for children working at a higher stage once the data has been gathered and graphed it would be a great progression for those pupils to calculate precentages from the data they collected.

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