What’s Next?

This has been the quickest year of teaching I’ve ever had and I can put that down to a jam packed year both in work and personal life. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my SCEL Teacher Leadership experience and whilst it has given me a focus specific to my enquiry, it has also opened up a lot of other opportunities for me and has given me the confidence to follow these up. I’ve also found it very useful to be part of a network and endevour to participate in more opportunities for professional discussion outwith my school setting. I feel I have only touched the surface in my development of Learning for Sustainability but have worked out how passionate I am about this being a core part of the curriculum going forward. I have challenged myself to evaluate my values, presumptions and methods of teaching and have discovered how refreshing it is to push myself out of my comfort zone. My next steps take me further along the Learning for Sustainability road and I hope to explore more about the integration of skill development and global citizenship through alternative methods of teaching including outdoor learning and play based activities especially further up the school. I want to challenge conventions and this programme has encouraged me to ask the question ‘why?’ more and sometimes ‘why not?’ gives you the nudge to try something a little different.