Week 5

This week we used our sixty two words, that we were asked to think of at the beginning of the module relating to our evocative object, to create a  concrete poem.

A concrete poem is when the poets message is shown through an image rather than the words themselves. This is a contemporary way of writing poetry.

I found this challenging to think of the sixty two words at the beginning and then to think outside the box to convey the message through a visual image rather than through the sixty two words.

In the end I decided to write in black on black paper and choose three words than were the most meaningful to me and the other words written around those three important words. I chose the colour black as it commonly seen as a colour of death. I also liked the subtlety of the words around the other ones which would mean someone reading my poem would need to look closely at each of the words. Below is a picture of the poem I created.

The three words I chose were – irreplaceable, lucky and priceless. I choose these words because the ring can not be replaced, I am lucky to have had an important person in my life for so long and be given a sentimental part of her and the rings are special I could not put a price on them.

This is an idea I would take to a future classroom as it is encorporating different areas of the curriculum – literacy and art. The children would need to create a poem with their sixty two words and think of an object they could draw to reflect their evocative object and poem they created.

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