It’s good to share…

We’ve recently published some new informative case studies on our Early Years cupoftea_tcm4-617386sharing practice webpage.

The case studies feature examples of good practice across a variety of settings, covering a range of themes to inspire approaches to 0 – 5 education for early learning and childcare practitioners.

If you have any questions about the case studies featured above or would like to share examples of good practice from your early years setting, please get in touch with Education Scotland’s Children and Families Team.

The case study’s featured include:

Confidential Books at St kenneth’s Primary Nursery Class

Staff at St Kenneth’s RC Primary School Nursery Class developed a confidential booklet to allow staff quick access to key information relating to children.

Children’s voices at Victoria Quay

Staff at Victoria Quay Nursery are actively listening and responding to children’s voices through involving them in the recruitment process.

Children’s learning journeys at Monkton Primary School Nursery Class

Staff at Monkton Primary School Nursery Class introduced responsive planning and children’s learning journeys.

An open plan learning environment at Wellgreen Nursery

Staff at Wellgreen Nursery reflected on the creation of an open plan learning space for children aged 2-5 years.

The use of floor books at Queen Street Nursery

This example shows how staff at Queen Street Nursery School incorporated planning for children’s learning into floor books.

The Seedling Room at Hailesland Early Years Centre

Staff at Hailesland Early Years Centre used knowledge gained from training on the Froebel approach to transform their provision for the youngest children.
