CLD conversation event – 30 January 2015

Education Scotland and CLD Managers Scotland are hosting a CLD conversation event on passing power to people and communities.

Education Scotland has been hosting a series of conversation days over recent months looking at current areas of community learning and development (CLD) policy and practice. This conversation will discuss the increasing emphasis being placed on community empowerment by the Scottish Government and focus on the contributions that CLD can make to empowering communities. The day will be co-hosted with North Lanarkshire Council.

The aims of the conversation will be to:
• Share examples of CLD practice that contribute to community empowerment;
• Provide an opportunity for CLD providers to consider their own contributions to community
• Help to identify national priorities for workforce development and inform future policy
development on building stronger communities through CLD, and;
• Influence the agenda for future conversation sessions.

The day will consist of several short inputs from practitioners and plenty of time for discussions. This event is open to practitioners and managers from the voluntary and public sector who work in community learning and development. It is free of charge and a light lunch will be available.

There will be a limit on numbers so please reserve your place by registering online no later than Monday January 19th 2015.
