Higgs Prize winners visit CERN

The Higgs Prize is awarded on merit to two pupils from a publicly-funded school who have shown outstanding performance in the Advanced Higher Physics exam.

Established in recognition of the impact Nobel Physics Prize winner Professor Higgs’ theoretical work has had on modern day particle physics, it aims to reward and inspire Scotland’s best young school physicists.

The first ever winners of the award were announced last December and have just returned from their prize winning visit to CERN.

Lucy Willets-White, who is now studying Physics at Imperial College, London and Peter Rhodes, who is about to begin his medical studies also at Imperial College joined undergraduates on the CERN Summer Student Programme.

The prize winners’ views can be read in Issue 46 of the CERN newsletter
Further information regarding next year’s Higgs Prize will follow shortly.

National Play Strategy: Review of Inclusive Play in Scotland

A Review of Inclusive Play in Scotland was identified as a high priority within the National Play Strategy Action Plan (2013), recognising that all children in Scotland have the right to play. The Plan particularly mentions the play rights of disabled children and young people and those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Please take part in this important review by completing our SURVEY and encourage others – adults, children and young people – to do so.

We hope to find out about:

  • the existing barriers to inclusive play in Scotland
  • the aspirations about inclusive play
  • approaches, tools, practice and strategies that work well in ensuring play experiences and opportunities are inclusive

The adults survey can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/reviewofinclusiveplayinscotland

The survey for children and young people can be found at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/childrenandyoungpeoplessurvey

Closing date for SURVEY Wednesday 27th August 2014


In this review we will gather information in four ways: using existing information, an online survey, interviews and conversations, and three consultation events.

We hope that you can become involved and share your experiences, information and views.

You can contact us at

Theresa Casey theresa.playreview@gmail.com


Anne-Marie Mackin amm.playreview@gmail.com

The Royal Institute – fun, easy ways to do exciting science at home


ExpeRimental is a new series of free short films that make it fun, easy and cheap to do science at home with children aged four to ten. Ignite a child’s natural curiosity and explore, question and test some of the fundamentals of science with a variety of  hands-on exciting activities!

ExpeRimental Bringing Science Home

ASPIRES awarded further funding by the ESRC

The ASPIRES study, tracked the development of young people’s science and career
aspirations from age 10-14.
The first ASPIRES Project has now ended but the ESRC has awarded further funding to continue their research for the next five years.
ASPIRES 2 will continue this tracking over the crucial next five years of the young people’s lives, to understand the changing influences of the family, school, careers education and social identities and inequalities on young people’s science and career aspirations and, crucially, relate these to their actual subject choices and attainment in national examinations and their post-16 choices. This tracking of young people’s aspirations and educational outcomes comprises the crucial ‘final link’ in the longitudinal project,
and will have strong bearing on educational policy and practice.

ASPIRES 2 aims to investigate:
1. How are student educational and occupational aspirations formed, and how do they change, over time?
2. How are subject choices and (GCSE) attainment related to aspirations, and how are these patterned over time?
3. How are aspirations shaped by families and schools (including experiences of school science and careers education)?
4. How are aspirations shaped by gender, class and ethnic identities?
5. How can findings be translated for stakeholder audiences, specifically for policy-makers/ intermediaries, teachers, students and parents/families

The final report of the ASPIRES Project is available online