Composition Working Group – June

The composition working group met for the second time on June 10th. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the findings of the online survey which gauged the nature and need of support for composition in the classroom. The link to the survey was highlighted in our on line blog and through social media and ran from the middle of April until May 9th. Using these findings, the working grouped consider best ways of moving support for composition in the classroom forward.

The findings of the survey are illustrated in the graphs below, but it is clear that further support in developing compositional practice in the classroom would be welcomed by practitioners.

The group considered the need for building a strong foundation through early, first and second levels and the importance of developing spaces for learners to explore their own creativity. Recognition was also given to the importance of ensuring composition is relevant to the learner and that learners are able to take ownership of their work.

The group also discussed the work undertaken by Dr Michele Kaschub and Dr Janice P Smith – Composing Together Website – who have developed tools and strategies for facilitating creative approaches to composition in the classroom. Their work demonstrates how tensions in music are key to compositional success and how this looks in practice across the developmental stages most learners will go through.
