School open day progamme – global citizenship

New global citizenship school open day programme

Education Scotland’s Developing Global Citizenship Team is pleased to announce an exciting new school open day programme. These inspiring, popular and practical CPD events give school leaders and practitioners a chance to learn from the experiences of schools which have achieved success in developing whole school approaches to global citizenship. Forthcoming events include:

St Paul’s High School, Glasgow (10th May 2012)

Theme: Pupil voice, citizenship, community partnerships and sustainable development education

More info at

Stockbridge Primary School, City of Edinburgh Council (17th May 2012)

Theme: Pupil voice and partnership working with the local and international community

More info at:

Bo’ness Academy, Falkirk Council (17th May 2012)

Theme: Global citizenship and international education within Curriculum for Excellence
More info at

Kinnaird Primary School, Falkirk Council (23rd May 2012)

Theme: Global citizenship, international education, Eco-Schools and Fairtrade

More info at

To book, please email: or phone 0141 282 5172. Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment. These are free events!
