Connect: Communities of Practice

We are pleased to announce the launch of Connect, our new online communities of practice previously known as CoPAL (Communities of Practice in Adult Literacies). All the groups previously found in CoPAL have been retained but the online community now serves not just adult literacies practitioners but those working across a range of community contexts, from adult learning to work with young people to community capacity building.

If you are already a member of CoPAL you are automatically part of Connect so please continue to log on to the site as usual. The web address remains active for the time being. However, a new web address is now live.

If you are new to Connect, and wish to become a member please go to and you will see an option to register for the network. Follow the online instructions to register and set up your password. Once you have gained access to Connect you will be able to join various themed groups and engage in discussions or find ideas for resources and much more.

Please contact Peter Lanigan if you need any further support to join Connect.
