Senior Phase Timetabling

Curriculum for Excellence Timetable development – Summary

Four curricular models on the Education Scotland website were developed further with possible timetables for 2014/14; viz. Kirkland High School, Clydebank High School, Charleston Academy and Balfron High School.

Key Points
• All models built upon a well-considered and well developed model for the Broad General Education phase building on the guidance in BtC3.
• All models reported that timetabling of innovative curriculum structures to support CfE did not require any new or specialised timetabling skills
• Although the BGE phase plans were different to previous S1-S3 models and from each other they all allowed suitable progression and transition to the senior phase for all learners.
• The models varied in period number and length.
• All models were developed using traditional timetabling methods:
-development of a curricular model or map
-departmental and staffing capacity calculated
-teaching period and accommodation calculated
-timetable worked up
• All models effectively considered S4 – 6 as a single cohort
• All models provided one or two year courses for learners and offered a substantial degree of flexibility with vertical and horizontal progression

Key Considerations
• All models reported some specific difficulties regarding the incorporation of Health and Wellbeing, Physical education and support into their timetables and further consideration will need to be given to these areas
• All models mentioned the importance of partnership working with schools, colleges and other partners to develop meaningful senior phase opportunities for pupils and there are implications for timetabling around this including blocking to suit college times, consortia arrangements etc.
• Advance planning at this stage (2011) is highly recommended as various staffing and accommodation issues were identified which can be planned for in advance of 2014
• Consideration needs to be made at this stage for the transition years from 2013/14 into 2014/15
• There was some discussion in the models about possible occasional suspension of the timetable at points to help deliver some aspects of CfE and there was also some consideration being given to changing the timetable during the year.
• There were some concerns expressed about 2 year courses – specifically for S6.Some consideration needs to be given to this.

Reflective questions
• Do you have a sound curricular plan on which you can begin to develop a timetable for your senior phase model?
• Have you considered how to provide for Health and Wellbeing, PE and support?
• How strong are your partnership arrangements and how can these partners be involved in developing the curricular plan and a timetable?
• Is your planning early enough to cope with the transition year?
