Reflections on Placement

For the past two weeks I completed my first ever placement in a primary school. I was situated in Primary 7 for one week and then Primary 1 the next so it was a great opportunity to see opposites ends of the school and how differently they all learn. While being on placement it gave a chance to reflect on my own strengths within the classroom and how I plan to develop as a student teacher.


During my time on placement I gained many new skills. One that I am going to focus on in positive facial expressions. When working alongside the pupils or members of staff I was told that my positive attitude and facial expressions created a warm and welcoming personality. I knew that this was a strength as I could see that pupils felt at ease with me as they were beginning to come up to me and ask for help if they needed it.

Area For Development 

I have realised that pace is a skill which I need to develop more. I need to be able to adapt my pace depending on the age of the pupils I am working with. I knew that this was a current area for development as during placement especially in the infant end of the school pupils were sometimes asking me to repeat things that I had said to them.

Action Plan 

I will continue to be positive within the classroom environment as this will reinforce the pupils that I am keen to learn and that I am fully engaged in their learning. For my pace to develop I will read things aloud to make sure that my pace is at the correct speed rather than rushing and speaking too quickly.

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