Tag Archives: Golden Ratio

Is Maths Natural?

When first introduced to the idea that maths is in nature it puzzled me as I had overlooked how maths is intertwined with non man-made items. I had only thought of maths being included in items such as buildings, roads and cars where humans have influence on the infrastructure and mathematics has been purposely included. Flowers, trees, animals and surprisingly people relate to mathematics! and once the seed had been planted (pardon the pun) I began to recognise mathematics everywhere!

Radial symmetry is a part of mathematics that can be identified in many natural items such as flowers, fruit, insects and starfish! Merriam-Webster defines this is as the condition of having similar parts regularly arranged around a central axis.


Sunflowers are appealing as they are bright and bold, and they are a prime example of radial symmetry although they relate to mathematics in many more ways. In the Fibonacci Sequence each number is determined by adding together the two numbers that preceded it.
1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34………. (and so on)
If all the seeds within a sunflower are added together they equal a number from this sequence. Actually many natural items make leaves, petals and seeds in quantities that equal numbers in the Fibonacci Sequence. This a why four-leaf clovers are so rare and are considered to be lucky!

Scientists believe the reason that plants follow mathematical rules simply due to efficiency. Sunflowers are able to have the maximum number of seeds if each is separated by an irrational-numbered angle. The most irrational number is known as the golden ratio which is as far away as any number can get from being a near any fraction.  It relates to the Fibonacci Sequence because if a number in the sequence is divided by the preceding number it produces a number exceptionally close to the golden ratio. We are apparently hardwired to be attracted to things in which the proportions are close to the golden ratio. I personally thought I found sunflowers aesthetically pleasing due to the bright colour but who knows it may be the golden ratio working its magic!
