
Concluding Conference:  Glasgow, 15 June 2017

We would like to invite you to attend the Glasgow City Council Education Services Erasmus+ Act for Careers Conference on Thursday June 15th  2017, 09.30 – 16.00 at, The Prince’s Trust Wolfson Centre, Cumbrae House, 15 Carlton Ct, Glasgow G5 9JP.

Glasgow City Council and the City of Nuremberg have been collaborating since 2014 under the Erasmus+ European education programme to improving support for young people’s employability skills in their transition from school to work.  The project entitled ‘Act for Careers’ has involved, schools, colleges, employment support teams and businesses to examine and learn from best practice in this field to inform and enhance local/national policy and practice at key transition points in young people’s development of their employability skills.  On March 9th 2017, City of Nuremberg delivered a conference on their findings and collaboration with the City of Glasgow.

The conference will offer a range of workshops and plenary sessions on learning about the German education system, the benefits of:  international engagement; funded European job shadowing opportunities; enhanced practice on employability skills from school to work and on supporting young people from a refugee background into employment.  Speakers will include the Depute Mayor of Nuremberg, Executive Director of Education Glasgow City Council and project participants from both Glasgow and Nuremberg, including young people from Lochend Community High School.

Registration:  Please complete the Erasmus+ ACT Registration Form and return it to by Friday 12th May to:  

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