when doing the Holmes Raye Inventory I got a score of 208 which puts me in the 150 to 300 points category where I have a 50% chance of health breakdown in the next 2 years. This is a clear indication that there is a lot more stress in my life than I was initially aware of
When receiving this score I was generally surprised as I like to think I am not a person that get to stressed out about things. However on reflection of the questions asked I realised that 6 of them apply to myself which had relatively high points attached to them. Although this is the case I feel like overall I handle my stress well and do not often feel extremely stressed
Over the last year there the most stressful things I have had to deal with have primarily been a family death soon after family illness. Although through out them both I have been able to stay focused and positive. The other things I sometimes stress about it university work and money(not having enough).
The main way I combat my stress is by communicating with my family as I know they are my biggest safety net and know they all just want the best for me so are happy to listen and offer advise. Along with this I also find comfort in going to the gym to clear my head when things get especially stressful. When going to the gym I almost always bump into someone I know who usually is able to make light heart of things. Another way I would be less stressed in my life would be to try make better my time management as I can often worry when I forgotten about something due with either university or work.