Tag Archives: Reflection

Introduction to International Baccalaureate

This post covers my reflections upon the first online module for the International Baccalaureate elective, comparing  the IB Programme to the Curriculum for Excellence.

Reflective Activity 1:

How do the IB aims align with the main aims of CfE?

The aims of CfE focus upon providing students with the knowledge, skills and attributes necessary in the modern world. Furthermore, CfE focuses upon creating lifelong learners beyond the school walls and interdisciplinary learning in order to bring together all aspects of knowledge. These aims mirror much of the IB aims, sharing a focus on equipping students with skills as well as knowledge to thrive in the global community. Furthermore, IB encourages lifelong learners and forms links in students’ learning.

Have you experienced any aspect of the IB aims when working with children or in your own education?

During my placement I saw an emphasis on intercultural understanding and respect within the school, The subject of PSE was used effectively each week to help the children understand and celebrate their differences. The children were confident in sharing their cultures and experiences, as well as being keen to learn about other cultures. This created an environment in which everyone felt comfortable and could therefore thrive.

Reflective Activity 2:

Compare and contrast the IB Learner Profile attributes with CfE’s four capacities. What are the similarities and differences?


  •  Openness to new thinking and ideas – IB attribute: Open- Minded , CfE capacity: Successful Learners.
  •  Development of respect and responsibility – IB attribute: Principled , CfE capacity: Responsible Citizens.
  • Importance of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing – IB attribute: Balanced , CfE capacity: Confident Individuals.
  • Building confidence in communicating – IB attribute: Communicators , CfE capacity: Effective Contributors.


  • IB’s attribute of ‘Communicators’ includes the ability to communicate confidently in more than one language. Where as the CfE do not include this skill within their capacities for young people. The learning of a language in CfE often depends upon the resources of the school and course choice in older years.

Reflective Activity 3:

Within the document The History of IB (IB, 2017), focussing on Educational Trends (page 3) – which of ‘progressive’ trends align with CfE?

The following of the ‘progressive’ trends align with CfE:

  • Critical analysis – The CfE has moved away from the traditional memorisation of knowledge and facts. There is now a focus on using creative and relevant ways to learn, adapting the learning to suit the children.
  • Transdisciplinarity – CfE holds a great focus on interdisciplinary learning, providing a well rounded and connected education.
  • Range of skills testing – CfE recognises the importance of skills as well as knowledge and therefore ensures a variety of styles of testing to evaluate both.
  • Child- centred – The CfE holds great importance on revolving the education around the child.  Teachers are encouraged to involve pupils in decisions in the classroom and their personal education.
  • Education of the whole child – CfE also grasps onto this notion that education must go further than that of knowledge. Education is seen in CfE to cover the mental, physical and emotional aspects of the child.

Reflective Activity 4:

Reflect upon the similarities and differences of Primary Years Programme (PYP) and CfE.

Both PYP and CfE share many similarities:

  • Relevance to local and global community – Both curriculums incorporate the children’s own local and global surroundings into their education. Moreover, they aim to incorporate relevant issues from the world around them into their education. PYP looks at this under the theme of Where are we in place and time, while CfE shows this focus in the principle of Relevance.
  • PYP and CfE are both flexible and aim to use what the children are interested in doing to inform their education. This creates engagement and interest in learning. This is shown in CfE in the principle of Personalisation and Choice.
  • PYP teaches topics which are interdisciplinary and creates fun ways to cover a wide range of subjects under one topic or issue. CfE also highlights the importance of this in learning, identifying Interdisciplinary Learning as one of the four contexts for learning.

A difference between PYP and CfE is the level of self discovery and joint learning between teacher and pupils. The PYP gives great levels of independence to pupils to discover knowledge for themselves and create their one way to learn. The CfE also aims to create pupil involvement in their own learning under the principle of Personalisation and Choice, however pupils are still very much reliant on learning from the teacher. Personally, I feel the CfE could have more of a push on children learning and discovering knowledge and concepts for themselves.


International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) (2017) The history of IB. Available at:http://www.ibo.org/globalassets/publications/become-an-ib-school/ibpyp_en.pdf. (Accessed: 8/8/18).

A Semester of Change

Semester 1 has been a whirlwind of new experiences, people and knowledge. The blink of an eye and I am half way through my first year at University. How did that happen?

Semester 1 has undoubtedly had a huge effect on my social skills, forcing me to start conversations and build new friendships. Throughout my years at school I very much stuck to my close group of six friends as we understand each other in a way that I don’t think many people are lucky enough to experience. I still consider these girls my closest friends as they are my childhood and my family, however I have embarked on so many new, amazing friendships. My flatmates and I are already such great friends, having had so many unforgettable memories throughout semester 1. Furthermore, I have made strong friendships with course mates who have kept me laughing through hard days and we have built a great support system. Being able to meet so many new people within such a short amount of time has made me realise what I look for in a friend as I make an effort to ensure those whom I surround myself with have a positive light in my life. Semester 1 has instilled in me the importance of taking chances, starting conversations and moving on.

A key moment for my professional development in semester 1 was discovering and challenging my personal values through the ‘Values: Self, Society and the Professions’ module. Prior to semester 1, I had never fully explored my values or the reasons for which I have certain values. I am now aware of the values which hold the most importance to me and take the much needed time to reflect upon these values. My eyes were opened to unconscious bias that lies within me due to the society in which I was raised.

Reflection is becoming a really important aspect of my learning. As I learn new things, I now find a need to reflect upon what this means to me and how I can use this knowledge to benefit myself on both a personal and professional level.


It’s Time to Reflect

Our second seminar was all about reflection – reflecting on our thoughts, questions, and opinions from the past few weeks. Carrie asked us all to discuss questions that we have regarding the topics we’ve learnt about so far and the various tasks we have completed. Straight away our group jumped to the last seminar about resource allocation. This had a significant impact on each of us and was a stand out moment which made us really think about equality and how we can be so blind to those who are less fortunate than us. Other groups highlighted that the recent lectures had made them realise the shocking extent of racism which is unconsciously embedded within our society.

There was one key thing missing from the room, making our group completely unbalanced in terms of society. Within this huge group of students, there was not a single male. This is a key example of gender roles within our society, primary teaching is seen to be a female role and ‘un-masculine’. This prompted discussion into why this gender role is so prominent – thinking about the history behind it, as well as the clear stereotypes.

We then moved onto reflect upon our feelings towards homophobia – watching ‘Panti’s Noble Call at the Abbey Theatre’ where Panti states her belief that we are all homophobes.

Carrie asked us to discuss what we thought of that statement and whether or not we agree with it. My group and I were clear on the fact that we agreed with this statement, we agree that we are all slightly homophobic. Although usually unconsciously, we can all be homophobic in our daily lives through simple things that we may not have previously realised as homophobic. We all discussed the fact that we almost automatically recognise homosexual couples in the street, where as we wouldn’t necessarily notice every heterosexual couple we pass. Furthermore, we talked about homophobic statements and phrases that we all unconsciously use. Another example that many of us hadn’t thought of was that people are seen to have to ‘come out’ as being anything other than heterosexual as that as seen as the ‘typical’ behaviour. We are all seen as being heterosexual unless other wise stated, why is this? We did all conclude that progress in society is evident as our generation is overwhelmingly less homophobic than generations before us and we are now recognising the need to recognise homophobia from an early age and open the minds of children.

Our last discussion point revolved around gender stereotypes, particularly revolving around a BBC experiment which was done to show how we treat boys and girls differently. In the experiment, boys were dressed in typically ‘girl’ clothes and vice versa with the girls. Adults were then asked to come in and play with the kids using a selection of various toys on the floor. In every case, the adults automatically picked up the pink fluffy stuffed animals and dolls for the kids in ‘girls’ clothes, while the kids in ‘boys’ clothes were given puzzles, ride on cars and robots. We discussed how girls were being disadvantaged in terms of mental and physical development as the toys they were given weren’t mentally stimulating or challenging. We raised questions as to why toy shops have such clear divides between toys for specific genders? Why has our society become so focused on the idea that pink represents girls, while blue represents boys? (being seen recently through the current trend of gender reveal videos on social media). Why must companies, for example Lego, bring out girl versions?

This seminar really challenged us to think deep into our views and challenge our views and beliefs. We were able to discuss all the topics that we had learnt about in the past few weeks and share our own interpretations of what we’ve learned. Through discussion, we stimulated each other to think of things we hadn’t previously thought about. This was a great change from the usual lectures and we all left feeling like we had gained a lot.