My lesson plans for the Health and Wellbeing 2 TDT with Michelle Cassidy – 24th January 2019
Maths has always been one of my favourite subjects! Although I loved it, I wouldn’t say I was amazing at it, I really had to work on different topics to improve my grades and understanding in school, but it was always something so rewarding to me. Every problem is like a puzzle – there is a solution and there are many different ways to get there. I can always remember the feeling of staring at problems in my GCSEs for ages and the moment it clicks and you can get started you really feel like you accomplish something.
Tara Harper’s love for maths has really encouraged me and excited me for teaching maths to children. For me, the beautiful part of maths is the feeling when you (finally) solve the problems that you have, whether that be on the first attempt or more likely after a few goes of trial and error. Maths is different in that there usually a set answer of right and wrong. Before the inputs, I think I had been stuck in the academic way that maths is only about getting the right answer and that’s it, however, Tara has shown me that there are so many opportunities to connect maths across the curriculum! One particular method was where she asked us to work out a simple problem and told us we would be feeding back. However, before we all shouted out the answer, she told us it. To some this may seem pointless, however, this opens up a door to so much more. From this, we had to use our communication skills to show how we solved the problem through critical thinking which can also be applied to every day life for example, working out the best pizza deal or phone contract.
It’s time to dispel the myths that ‘I’m rubbish at maths’, ‘You’re either good at maths or literacy’ and especially from parents ‘I was awful at maths.’ I believe that if you approach everything with an open mind and a positive attitude, it will go better! If someone tells you you are bad, or you have a thought in your mind that you can’t do something then it will likely prevent you from succeeding.
I know from experience that maths isn’t just going to click for everyone. I loved algebra, however when it came to circle theorems I just couldn’t get my head around them. For me, the difference here to perhaps the experiences of others was an amazing teacher. My GCSE (Nat 5 for all the Scots) teacher gave up so much time to help me with the same topics over and over again, and put up with me having my hand up every five minutes in the classroom. I wasn’t afraid because I knew I wanted to succeed in maths.
In the classroom with our future pupils, we need to make sure that there is an open space to discuss our problems and ask questions, no matter how basic or complex they are, because any question is better than no question. One thing that helped me, was not just looking at maths from the one set way the teacher did calculations, but looking and trying a variety of ways to find which one was the best for me. Everyone can do maths and has the ability to do maths, their approach may take longer or it might take them longer to grasp a topic but that is completely okay! Encourage their work, if the answer is wrong, don’t just mark a big cross over it and tell pupils to try again! Commend their efforts in trying to solve it and walk through the solution with them. Through these approaches I hope my pupils can have the same feeling when doing maths as I do.
Semester 2 – Week 1
Amongst the fun of seeing my friends again came the realisation I would actually be teaching a class of up to 30 children in a few weeks!
Dance Workshop – Eilidh Slattery
I was really looking forward to this workshop, particularly because the expressive arts weren’t a huge part of my personal primary curriculum in Northern Ireland. The thought of having to teach dance sat well with me as it is something I really enjoyed, however I didn’t realise how connected it was to the other areas of the curriculum! A particular point that stood out to me was when Eilidh made us think of various ways to travel across the room. Some ways were very basic like walking and running, while some were more advanced like rolling across the floor or cartwheeling. Although this was a funny task seeing what everyone decided to do, I didn’t really see the connection until Eilidh pointed it out. Everybody has their own ways and methods of solving problems and approaching tasks; some may be easy, and some may be more complicated, however we all have our own preferences. Some things may work and some things may not work, but the best approach is to keep trying until you find the best one for you – just like our travelling across the room.
Professional Practice
Placement is likely the most exciting, yet nerve wracking thing for student teachers, and it really hit home how much responsibility I’ll be having in the classroom. I really need to make the most of every opportunity and really get involved with my pupils on my first placement. I need to allow myself to be nervous as this will be the first time I am teaching full lessons so I have to remember I will never be perfect at it and I will make mistakes, the important thing is learning from them for my future pupils.