Personal audit & transferable skills

Activity 1

1. Below are a list of skills and abilities. Complete an audit of where you are now. Record this in your learning journal/portfolio.

Rate yourself (1=Not very well developed; 3=very well developed)

Skills and Abilities




 Self-confidence  x
 Take risks x
 Organise and plan x
Manage Time x
 Make presentations x
 Act as a leader x
 Listen to others x
 Debate formally and informally x
 Take notes x

Although it is important to identify where we are now, it is not enough to stop there. We need to reflect upon how we can develop the skills where we are less confident and how we can transfer the skills in which we are confident and competent.

Activity 2

Complete the audit below, using the information from the table above.

Recognition Reflection Action
Skills already developed How will I use these How do I know (evidence)**
 Take notes  I will use this skill to identify key information from lecture and produce notes from it.
 Listen to others  I will use this skill to expand my own knowledge and opinions.
 Organise and plan  I will use this skill to stay on top of everything I have to do and tasks I have to complete.

** This section should be completed as you identify when/where/how you have used/developed these skills.

Part B – Activity 1

Recognition Reflection Action
Skills not yet developed How will I develop these How do I know (evidence)**
 Self-confidence  I will develop this skill by voicing my opinion more often and speaking in bigger groups.
 Act as a leader  I will develop this skill by taking more tasks on and and carrying these out effectively.
 Debate informally and formally  I will develop this skill by gaining more confidence to speak out and get across to other people my views and opinions.