EU report on youth work and its contributions to youth employment

This report details the contribution of youth work to address the challenges young people are facing, in particular the transition from education to employment. The report seeks to make employers, Public Employment Services and policy-makers aware of the crucial role youth work can play – either as a lead agency or in partnership with others – in supporting the employment and employability of young people. In this context, youth work

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First DYW Annual Report – good progress being made so far

The first annual report on Developing the Young Workforce: Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy has shown a number of key milestones have already been delivered. The report highlights progress across Scotland, including enhancements to careers advice, and engagement between business, schools and colleges. Hundreds of new opportunities for young people to undertake learning – for example to start a Modern Apprenticeship while still at school – are in also place. There

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New Measure to help Scotland’s Young People

Participation Measure will help target support to young people not in employment, education or training. Scotland’s youth employment is at its highest since 2005 and a new Participation Measure for 16-19 year olds in Scotland has been developed to provide a more comprehensive and detailed understanding of the activities young people are taking part in. For the first time, the Scottish Government will have detailed information on activity for 16

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