Making skills work and promoting apprenticeships

From As the national skills body, we, Skills Development Scotland (SDS) support the people and businesses of Scotland by delivering services that help them to achieve their ambitions. With careers advisers in secondary schools and high street centres across the country, we are passionate about developing skills in the community and getting more young people into work. We also support and promote work based learning and apprenticeships which offer young

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Kinross High School among the first in UK to benefit from WSP/Parsons Brinckerhoff’s new engagement programme with schools

WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff is helping to deliver one of the first STEM programmes in schools in a bid to encourage more young people in Scotland to take up a career in science. The global consultancy, which has worked on high-profile projects including the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow, has sponsored a school in Perth and Kinross to take part in ‘Design Engineer Construct’, a programme which has been added

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Interesting practice: Inspiring learning about careers in the food and drink sector- Bathgate Academy

‘A Future in Food’, the Scottish Food and Drink Federation’s (SFDF) education programme  offers learners  (and teachers) a wide variety of exciting work-based learning opportunities to better understanding  the breath and depth of jobs available in this £16.5bn sector that employs over 34000 people. ‘A Future for Food’ provides schools with curriculum based learning opportunities, particularly around STEM subjects, connected the local (and national) food manufacturing companies highlighting career opportunities and the routes to

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Business Language Champions: Developing skills for the world of work

Many schools across Scotland have developed relationships with business to highlight the relevancy of language skills in relation to the world of work . The following case studies have been developed as part of the ‘Business Language Champions’ initiative  in collaboration with SCILT to suit both employers and schools. Abbotsford House and Burgh Primary School (July 2016) – This partnership between a primary school and a local tourist attraction demonstrated to pupils the relevance

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DYW Interesting practice: All exemplars published so far

In the third year the implementation of the DYW Youth Employment strategy we are seeing an increasing amount of creative and dynamic work coming to the fore in this area.  We would like to share some of this with you through our ‘interesting practice exemplars’  in order to inspire thinking and discussion.  The exemplification also provides you with contacts to support collaboration as we collectively  progress on our journeys to enhance children and young peoples’ opportunities to develop skills for learning, life

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CBI’s latest survey reveals an increasing demand for a skilled workforce

The latest CBI survey on education and skills (July 2016) revealed that businesses are predicting a rise in the demand for high-skilled jobs.  There are also growing concerns by employers of a skills shortage amongst the UK workforce the face of a rapidly changing labour market.  In response employers are showing an increasing commitment to supporting the improvement of training and education with 4 out of 5 business now involved in school/college partnerships.

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What Could I Be? … in Food Production

Scottish Food & Drink Federation and SRUC have developed this great poster outlining the breadth of career opportunities and chain of jobs involved in food production at Castelton Farm. Looking for activities or discussion points with pupils? Research what you could earn from doing the jobs identified on the poster. Think of your favourite food. Can you create a career map demonstrating who is involved in creating your favourite food? What

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Career Information, Advice and Guidance (CIAG) reviews

The CIAG team has redesigned the review model to reflect initiatives that have been introduced recently. These include the roll out of the SDS enhanced service delivery of CIAG services across the country, the implementation of the Career Education Standard and the publication of the Work Placement Standard for schools and colleges. In addition, the outcome from the CIAG review grades, for the quality element Capacity to Improve, will now

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Senior Phase Vocational Pathways – Early Adopter Projects Evaluation

In academic year 2014/15, SFC supported seven early adopter college regions to work in partnership with local authorities, schools, employers and other key partners to explore and develop senior phase vocational pathways. The document provides a final evaluation of the early adopter and highlights the following key elements: Success criteria: Strategic regional partnership working and planning. A regional co-ordinator who can turn strategic commitment into reality. Effective employer engagement and

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‘Making Education your Business’ – a five step guide to school/employer partnerships

This new guide developed by teachers and businesses together with the Royal Society in response to its call for closer collaboration between education, industry and academia.  It aims to provide support school or college-employer partnerships mainly through the lens of STEM.  The guide sets out 5 simple steps for companies planning to engage with education or extend their educational partnerships along side a number of case studies that highlight key features

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