Enterprise in Early Learning and Childcare

One of the ambitions of Scotland CAN DO is “to achieve an education system with entrepreneurship and innovation at its core.” This ambition does not begin with secondary, or even primary schools – early learners can get involved too! Scotland’s Enterprising Schools is a new resource available for educational practitioners to inspire enterprising and entrepreneurial learning across the curriculum.  The resource was developed in partnership with Education Scotland and the

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Free toolkit for business and early years educators

Business in the Community Scotland has created an innovative digital resource pack to help create sustainable, successful relationships with your local businesses and schools in order to help young children achieve their full potential and become responsible citizens. This pioneering resource pack has been launched in a bid to help build partnerships between businesses and nurseries, early years centres and primary schools. The Business Engagement in the Early Years Toolkit has

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Funding for enterprise education announced by First Minister

The First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, announced a £300 000  funding for entrepreneurial learning and enterprise education at the opening of the RBS entrepreneurial hub at the bank’s Gogarburn headquarters. The money for Scotland’s Enterprising Schools will go towards helping teachers unleash the entrepreneurial and creative skills shown by pupils by setting up a team to work with schools and local authorities to provide resources and lesson plans. The programme aligns  closely to

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Prince’s Trust Future Starts in Hospitality

The Prince’s Trust is currently piloting a programme called Future Starts. These are taster days for S4 and S5 students to explore potential careers in an actual workplace. These industries include Hospitality, Retail, Automotive, Technologies, Construction, Sport, Hair & Beauty and Childcare. The Future Starts pilot is partially funded by the Wood Foundation and partly by the Scottish Government. The programme began in 2015 and is funded for two years

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Thinking Global about Social Enterprise? – new resource pack

…. then you might be interested in the new Social Enterprise Resource Pack developed by the British Council,  Social Enterprise Academy (SEA) and Real Ideas Organisation (RIO) helping teachers to deliver activities and lessons on social enterprise. Written in clear English and aimed at students aged 7-14, the resource pack is suitable for any educator – no previous experience of social enterprise is needed – and is designed to help achieve key teaching objectives, promote

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West Lothian College STEM Manifesto

West Lothian College has pledged to develop  a spirit of innovation, enterprise and partnership in STEM education and training.  They aim to provide first class and consistent opportunities for all their learners in this area. The college will focus on a wide range of issues in order to create new and flexible methods of learning to maximise educational outcomes around STEM.  These include giving STEM education a more prominent status, focusing on employment opportunities

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Webinar: Career Education 3 – 18; Thursday, 3 Dec @ 4pm

Register:  When is it?   Thursday, 3 December, 4 – 5 pm Where?  Live on Glow TV (Glow login required).   Register here Who is this for?  Head teachers, teachers,  employers, parents/carers and anyone one else interested/ involved  in the development of career education from 3 -18. Presenters: Mairi Thomson, Development Officer, Skills 3 – 18 Team);                Ken Edwards, Education Programme Lead, Skills Development Scotland;                                                                                                                                      James Cook, Depute head teacher, Crown Primary School,

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How good is our school? – Increasing creativity

How good is our school? provides a suite of quality indicators that support staff in all sectors to scrutinise their work and evaluate what is working well for learners and what could be better. It is a key aspect of the Scottish approach to school improvement and supports self-evaluation and reflection by practitioners at all levels.   The 4th edition was launched at this year’s Scottish Learning Festival and features

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We can’t afford not to be creative!

A key message from the recent Attaining Creative Solutions event was that if we want to engage learners, close the attainment gap and help young people develop the skills they need in order to thrive in an unpredictable and fast changing world, we can’t afford not to be creative. This National Creative Learning Network event brought together senior education staff and practitioners from local authorities across Scotland with operational and

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Game Masters: Teachers Preview Event

Date: Tuesday 9 December Time: 16:30-18:30 Venue: Studio 1, Learning Centre, National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh Cost: Free Booking: Please book your FREE space by email schools@nms.ac.uk or phone 0131 247 4041. Tea/coffee and cake will be provided. Spaces are limited so please book your place as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. This session will introduce teachers to the Game Masters exhibition in preparation for visiting with a class.

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