Young Enterprise Scotland celebrates award wining programmes!

From Geoff Leask (CEO – Young Enterprise Scotland): When the Developing the Young Workforce Career Education Standard (3-18) was published in September 2015 it was a heartening  moment to see the following included: Children and young people will be entitled to develop understanding of enterprise, entrepreneurship and self-employment as a career opportunity; As the DYW impact has grown you can imagine my delight that two of our Programmes have already

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Scotland’s Enterprising Schools: Supporting career education from 3 – 18

Are you looking for creative ways to develop children and young people’s learning about the world of work? To inspire you have a look at our Interesting Practice area that highlights the many creative ways schools like Broxburn Academy are providing opportunities for young people around entrepreneurship and enterprise.  Interesting practice exemplars from Fife Council The Raytheon Quadcopter Challenge is a partnership between the Council and Raytheon UK. The programme brings

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Professional Learning Programme: The Enterprising Practitioner

Are you Looking for creative ways to develop children and young people’s learning about the world of work? Enterprising attitudes and skills such as generating ideas, creative problem solving, being pro-active and tenacious and taking responsibility, help to support our young people to cope with, and indeed succeed, in our increasingly dynamic wold of work. Scotland’s Enterprising Schools have developed a free online professional learning programme – The Enterprising Practitioner

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DYW Interesting Practice – Ferguslie – Pre-Five Centre: Skills Development in Early Years

Ferguslie Pre-Five Centre, this year’s Scottish Education Award winner in the category ‘Employability across Learning’,  provides a skills based learning approach for children from 3 – 5 years, actively seeking to connect learning to the world of work whenever possible.  Through a variety of play contexts and in connection with professionals and local businesses they engage in projects that inspire enterprising attitudes and creativity.  At the same time it introduces children to a range of jobs people

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DYW Interesting Practice – Dalziel High School: Skills development through STEM

Dalziel High School has a well established, strategic career education programme from P7 transition to senior phase.  At the heart of this is a focus on STEM careers supported by a highly dynamic, award-winning school-employer partnership with the engineering company Amec Foster Wheeler. Throughout their time at Dalziel High School all learners have the opportunity to get involved in a wide variety of STEM-related learning initiatives including STEM fayres, challenges and competitions. Opportunities to

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Scottish Education Awards 2017: Nominations open now!

Category:  Employability across Learning (Early Years/Primary and Secondary) The Scottish Education Awards recognise schools and centres that have developed a vibrant and progressive culture and climate of continuous innovation. The culture and ethos should promote respect, ambition and achievement while improving outcomes for all learners in ways which eliminate inequity. Nominations should include practical activities and projects that the school or centre has undertaken, detailing the impact these strategies have

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Govan High School Marks £2 Million Milestone For Youth & Philanthropy Initiative Scotland

The Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) in Scotland has announced that a total of £2 million has now been awarded to local grassroots charities since the programme was first introduced in Scotland by The Wood Foundation in 2008. This year alone a total of 210 Scottish secondary schools will participate in YPI, actively engaging over 26,500 students in a hands on experience of social action and philanthropy.  The latest £3000

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Career Education Standard 3 – 18: Suite of Learning Resources

A suite of learning resources are currently being produced to  support professional  development related to career education.  These resources  will cover a variety of key themes such as labour market information, career management skills, enterprise and entrepreneurship, My world of Work etc. and relate this to Career Education Standard 3-18. Learning outcomes As a result of engaging with this learning you will have: an understanding of the purpose and aim of the Career Education Standard

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Overarching DYW milestones: Seven Year Plan

Developing the Young Workforce in Scotland requires a long-term effort across many parts of the education and skills systems and by employers. From a schools’ perspective, young people, parents, practitioners, local authorities, those working in colleges, training providers and employers will be able to see the following headline changes over the next seven years.  So far we have seen the implementation of the following: Year 1  (the academic year 2014/15)

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Interesting practice: Inspiring learning about careers in the food and drink sector- Bathgate Academy

‘A Future in Food’, the Scottish Food and Drink Federation’s (SFDF) education programme  offers learners  (and teachers) a wide variety of exciting work-based learning opportunities to better understanding  the breath and depth of jobs available in this £16.5bn sector that employs over 34000 people. ‘A Future for Food’ provides schools with curriculum based learning opportunities, particularly around STEM subjects, connected the local (and national) food manufacturing companies highlighting career opportunities and the routes to

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