Portlethen Academy: Raising the profile of skills in learning and teaching.

Every classroom has a poster for Skills for Learning, Skills for Life and Skills for Work. Pupil-friendly definitions of these skills were produced by a working group of staff. Teachers are asked to make reference to these skills in their learning intentions and success criteria and in the content of the lesson itself. The impact of DYW is discussed in the videos: All S1 pupils are recording the development of

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Portlethen Academy: Raising the profile of skills in learning and teaching.

Every classroom has a poster for Skills for Learning, Skills for Life and Skills for Work. Pupil-friendly definitions of these skills were produced by a working group of staff. Teachers are asked to make reference to these skills in their learning intentions and success criteria and in the content of the lesson itself. The impact of DYW is discussed in the videos: All S1 pupils are recording the development of

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Abercromby Primary- Skills Approach

The school supports Clackmannanshire’s aim of increasing the number of pupils reaching positive destinations. The aim of the ‘Skills Academy’ at Abercromby Primary is to develop skills for learning, life and work from Early to Second Level, across a broad range of curricular areas. The school believe that building confidence to achieve goals should begin as early as possible for all our pupils, alongside equipping them with the skills to

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Bramble Brae Primary School- Partnership Approach to DYW

Bramble Brae School worked with all stakeholders to redesign a bespoke curriculum for the school. Creativity and employability skills are being developed within the curriculum as they engage with local employers to create an enriching and inspiring learning environment: making connections across different areas of learning and using whole school themes to encourage involvement and deepen understanding. Through this, the school is developing materials and opportunities for learning in a

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Developing the Young Workforce – Early Learning & Childcare and Primary Focus

In order to support the implementation of DYW at early learning & childcare and primary school level Education Scotland DYW team are bringing  together teachers, practitioners and DYW leads with experience and interest in this area to participate in workshops. There are three workshops planned in early 2020. The aims of the workshops are to: • share current practice and experiences; • scope requirements to enhance DYW implementation in this

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Scottish Learning Festival 2019 DYW Workshops

The conference, organised by Education Scotland, boasts over 100 seminars and a fantastic line up of keynote speakers and opportunities for professional networking. With a combination of top quality keynote speakers, interactive seminars and the ever popular exhibition, SLF is the ideal place to share thinking and discuss education. Dates 25-26 September 2019 Information about this year’s DYW themed workshops can be found in the DYW-Flyer-SLF1 and in the summary below: A whole school approach

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TEDx Glasgow 2019: Ideas worth doing

Here is your opportunity to host a TEDxGlasgow livestream! The livestream will take place on the 14th of June between 9:15am and 3pm and will be hosted on YouTube. We have developed this toolkit as a handy guide with all the information you need to help with your livestream event including information on the tech specs required to host a livestream event; the rules around hosting; your role; the programme

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Scottish Traditional Building Forum Workshops

Secondary pupils from schools in Glasgow, Stirling, Perth and Edinburgh took part in traditional building skills event held at  various locations. The hands-on practical workshops provided 13 to 15 year olds with the chance to discover more about traditional skills apprenticeships, and allowed them to have a go for themselves. They tried their hand at stonemasonry roof slating, joinery and painting and decorating, expertly assisted by current Modern Apprentices in these trades.

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Yokerburn Early Years

Extended day centre within Yoker area of North West Glasgow. Nursery caters for children from 0–5 years from a multitude of cultural, social, economic and learning backgrounds. The establishment has been raising awareness of job roles within local community by working with a range of different partners . This inspires the children and provides an early introduction into the world of work.  The children have been working with a local care home to

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Bo’ness Academy-Partners and the Community

Bo’ness has designed a clear strategy and has well-established approaches to developing in its young people skills for learning, life and work. The strategy involves establishing local, regional and partnerships to provide real- life contexts for learning. Curriculum leaders are using partners to provide a context to the learning and an insight of the working environment. Young people find this to be motivational and are enjoying the skills led curriculum.

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