Argyll and Bute school takes on the UK and wins

Hands up – which Scottish primary school took on 300 schools from all over the UK and won hands down?   Dunoon Primary School, who fought off the cream of game designers from Scotland, England and Wales to take home the Kodu Kup, Microsoft UK’s computer programming competition– taking the prize to Scotland for the first time. Dunoon Primary School’s Pro-Gamers team of three eleven- and twelve-year-olds – Olivia Robertson,

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Register for the BBC Micro:bit

The BBC micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer that you can code, customise and control to bring your digital ideas, games and apps to life. Measuring 4cm by 5cm, and designed to be fun and easy to use, users can create anything from games and animations to scrolling stories at school, at home and on the go – all you need is imagination and creativity. The BBC micro:bit is completely programmable.

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Computing Clubs for Girls – Primary and Secondary!

CC4G Free to the first 50 schools to sign up! CC4G – Computer Clubs for Girls – is a fully resourced scheme of work from e-skills UK, developed with teachers, supported by role models from leading employers and specifically designed to encourage girls to take on the digital world with confidence. The resources cover a variety of topics, from coding to e-safety, web design to music video production, are fully

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