An Deasbad Naiseanta 2018

The preliminary rounds of the National Gaelic Schools Debate will take place on 6 and 7 November 2018. This year marks the twentieth national debate.  By participating in this competition, young people in Gaelic Medium Education are afforded an opportunity to develop their debating skills through the medium of Gaelic. Education Scotland is pleased to be a sponsor for this competition along with Bòrd na Gàidhlig, The Scottish Government, Skills Development

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Explorathon is coming!

Explorathon is a set of interactive ‘Meet the Researcher’ events happening all over Scotland on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th September. It’s part of a Europe-wide programme called European Researchers’ Night, there’s a particular emphasis on European funded research but any researchers can take part. Check out the link below to see what is happening near you!

SDS Event: ‘Ensuring Foundation Apprenticeships are at the heart of the curriculum’ – catch up

A thought-provoking event on the further expansion of Foundation Apprenticeships across the country has taken place in August with a number of inspirational presentation s by gues speakers: • Presentation – Damien Yeates • Presentation – Tony McDaid • Presentation – Diane Greenlees • Presentation – Philip Black • Fife case study • South Lanarkshire case study • East Renfrewshire case study • Glasgow case study • Perth and Kinross

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Let’s Get Digital at SLF

The Digital team will be at this year’s SLF with an exciting offering of activities available to all delegates across both days. Visit the Education Scotland Stand The Education Scotland stand will host a schedule of Digital Literacy and Glow focused drop in sessions available on both days. Digital is about supporting learning and teaching  so we have arranged a timetable of inspirational and practical sessions for you to join in, learn something new

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Social Bite calls for Scotland’s young people to join movement against homelessness with first ever ‘Wee Sleep Out’ initiative

Social Bite has  launched the Wee Sleep Out; a national awareness raising and fundraising campaign to get the young people of Scotland involved in the charity’s mission to end homelessness. Wee Sleep Out is calling on all teachers, youth leaders, parents and guardians to challenge young people between 8 and 16 years old to get out of their beds, and their comfort zones by organising their very own Wee Sleep

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Scottish Learning Festival: Details of the seminar for Gaelic Education

Seminar Title: Early learning, early gains in reducing the attainment gap in Gaelic Medium Education (GME) Date: Wednesday 19 September 2018 Time: 9.30am Venue: Leven Seminar Code: L1A Registration for the seminar:  The Scottish Learning Festival (SLF) is Scotland’s key educational event. We look forward to inviting you to a seminar for the Gaelic sector at 9.30am on Wednesday 19 September.  This will have a focus on raising attainment

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Language skills – a crutial asset in a global economy

More companies are trading with international markets and this has led to growth in global supply chains. Because of this, there is greater demand for workers who have modern language skills, experience of the international business environment and are prepared to work globally. Increasingly, companies are interested in employing people who can engage and communicate with their customers and suppliers around the world. Workers with experience of the international business

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Primary Science Education Conference (PSEC) is coming to Edinburgh!

The Primary Science Education Conference (PSEC) is coming to Edinburgh in June 2019. It will bring together teachers and primary science experts from across the UK and internationally to share best practice in primary science teaching. From 6-8 June 2019, the comprehensive programme will offer outstanding professional development in primary science, complemented by a dynamic exhibition specifically focussed on primary science teaching. Now is the perfect time to register your interest

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The importance of partnership planning to deliver high quality, work-related learning

John Devine, head teacher at  Breadalbane Academy, an all-through school  in rural Perthshire has invested in a unique approach to provide learners with meaningful, tailored and diverse work-based learning opportunities.   The school has introduced a Employer Engagement & Partnership programme with 3-5 year agreements with its business partners implemented by a project officer. “These partnerships lend structure and clarity to the process and help to ensure that engagements are well-planned on both sides, that

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Scottish Learning Festival 2018: 11 exciting DYW related seminars on offer

As one of the key  priorities in education, Developing the Young Workforce related contributions will feature prominently again at the SLF 2018 (19 – 10 September, SCCC, Glasgow).  This year’s main focus  will be on School-Employer Partnerships and STEM related learning around DYW. Here is a list of key seminars: Wednesday, 19 September Title Presenters/education establishment Room/ Time School-employer and Local Authority partnerships: A partnership approach to delivering DYW Donald MacLeod, Western Isles, + Laxdale Primary School

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