National Coding Week 19th September 2016

How to get involved with National Coding Week Children are part of a confident “Digital Generation” having grown up with the internet, smart phones and coding classes. However, many adults have missed out on the digital revolution and feel left behind. “The aim of National Coding Week is to give adults the opportunity to learn some digital skills”. Children can inspire adults Children are learning digital skills in school or

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What Could I Be? … in Food Production

Scottish Food & Drink Federation and SRUC have developed this great poster outlining the breadth of career opportunities and chain of jobs involved in food production at Castelton Farm. Looking for activities or discussion points with pupils? Research what you could earn from doing the jobs identified on the poster. Think of your favourite food. Can you create a career map demonstrating who is involved in creating your favourite food? What

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Modern Apprenticeship reviews

Modern Apprenticeship (MA) reviews have been conducted in Engineering and Hairdressing. The Hairdressing review will be published in September.    A team of reviewers from Education Scotland, SDS, colleges and independent training providers is about to conduct the review of MAs in Automotive Engineering in the autumn. Agreement has been reached to prepare a new model which will now look at on-the-job training, delivered in the workplace, by colleges and independent

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‘Closing the gap’ between education and employment, by Anthony Mann

This latest blog from Anthony Mann focuses on the European dimension of the link between education and employability.  It identifies employer engagement in education as a key issues in tackling the skills gap. Government priority objectives across European countries include: Tackling skills shortage/skills mismatch Improving youth skills relevant to dynamic labour market demand Harnessing community resources to improve attainment Putting coherent pathways in place for young people moving through educational and training

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Bloodhound Scotland Rocket Car Challenge

The technologies form a central part of Scotland’s heritage, identity and future. Their importance cannot be overstated whether as an economic necessity, a social influence or a vital educational experience. There are approximately 1300 secondary qualified craft, design, engineering and graphics and 600 secondary qualified computing science practitioners across the 32 local authorities in Scotland. The wide spread of locations can and has made professional and collaborative learning difficult. Scottish

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‘Making Education your Business’ – a five step guide to school/employer partnerships

This new guide developed by teachers and businesses together with the Royal Society in response to its call for closer collaboration between education, industry and academia.  It aims to provide support school or college-employer partnerships mainly through the lens of STEM.  The guide sets out 5 simple steps for companies planning to engage with education or extend their educational partnerships along side a number of case studies that highlight key features

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FREE Cyber Security Summer Camp for S6 Pupils

Does your school have students with a keen interest in software, computing, telecommunications, cyber security, maths and ethics who are planning to start university to study Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths or Social Science either in autumn this year, or in autumn 2017 after a gap year?   If so, we are delighted to offer them the chance of FREE places at the prestigious Cyber Security residential Glasgow Caledonian University – 4

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‘Design-Engineer- Construct’: The Engineering Challenge for Schools now SCQF credit rated

Design Engineer Construct!®  has now been formally recognised in Scotland thanks to the key support of the Chartered Institute of Building, and is already piloting in Drummond High School in Edinburgh, Garnock Academy in Kilbirnie, and St Joseph’s Academy in Kilmarnock where student take up and attitude has been impressive. Comprising an introductory and intermediate programme of study, DEC! has been credit rated onto the SCQF by SQA’s Credit Rating

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Inspiring young Scottish women to choose careers in engineering

Female secondary school pupils are being encouraged to build careers in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) sectors thanks to a Skills Development Scotland (SDS) project. Pupils from Calderside Academy and Cathkin High School in South Lanarkshire were the latest to get hands-on industry experience with visits to employers. The visits are aimed at encouraging female pupils to widen their career options and to consider Modern Apprenticeships. Engineering firms Rolls-Royce in

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Digital Xtra Fund now open!

This new fund will support Scotland’s drive to attract more young people into digital careers by widening access to extracurricular and enrichment activities that bring technology to life. The new Digital Xtra fund will be dedicated to ensuring that every child across the country has the opportunity to benefit from exciting and challenging digital activities such as after school coding clubs, competitions and innovative classroom programmes. The £250,000 fund will

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