Let’s Get Digital at SLF

The Digital team will be at this year’s SLF with an exciting offering of activities available to all delegates across both days. Visit the Education Scotland Stand The Education Scotland stand will host a schedule of Digital Literacy and Glow focused drop in sessions available on both days. Digital is about supporting learning and teaching  so we have arranged a timetable of inspirational and practical sessions for you to join in, learn something new

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Scottish Learning Festival 2018: 11 exciting DYW related seminars on offer

As one of the key  priorities in education, Developing the Young Workforce related contributions will feature prominently again at the SLF 2018 (19 – 10 September, SCCC, Glasgow).  This year’s main focus  will be on School-Employer Partnerships and STEM related learning around DYW. Here is a list of key seminars: Wednesday, 19 September Title Presenters/education establishment Room/ Time School-employer and Local Authority partnerships: A partnership approach to delivering DYW Donald MacLeod, Western Isles, + Laxdale Primary School

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Angus STEM event attended by more than 300 people

An event to raise aspirations towards, and interest in, STEM was enjoyed by more than 300 people at Arbroath Academy. The Angus STEM Festival featured shows from Aberdeen and Dundee Science Centres, as well as Generation Science alongside interactive workshops and stalls presented by local colleges, universities and STEM employers.  Organised by Raising Aspirations in Science Education (RAiSE) and Developing the Young Workforce (DYW), the festival also aimed to highlight

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Scottish Power Energy Network – CPD event for teachers and practitioners: 28 March 2018

This is the first in a series of four opportunities which allows DYW representatives, teachers and educators to gain in-depth insight into what SP Energy Networks look for in candidates.  The event will take place on 28 March 2018 and will run twice on that day. Attendees will have the choice of either a morning slot from 9-12 noon or an afternoon slot from 1-4pm. The programme as follows: Two

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DYW Moray releases new career videos

DYW Regional Group in Moray involved 15 pupils to plan, film and edit 6 films for use in any educational context to show young people what career opportunities are available to them in growth sectors in the local authority. The films are focussed on 6 Growth Sectors identified in the Moray Skills Framework launched in May 2017 by the Moray Council.  We now would like the film to be used

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LANTRA 2017 – Career Workshops and Skills Events

The latest event in a series of  workshops and events on career pathways and skills development in the land-base, aquaculture and environmental industries, will take place on Thursday, 14 December, Westerwood Hotel, Cumbernauld (10am – 3pm). (contact: 01738 310164 or Scotland@lantra.co.uk) Two recent LANYRA career workshops run for SDS career staff, teachers, DYW regional groups etc. were held in Perth & Lanark. Here are the links to the presentations from

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Making Scotland a STEM Nation

STEM Education and Training Strategy for Scotland has now been published A STEM (Sciences Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics) Education and Training Strategy was launched in the Scottish Parliament last week by Ms Shirley-Anne Somerville, Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science. The Strategy, together with a STEM Evidence Base Report, is now available to download from: http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2017/10/1386/downloads A central focus on the strategy is to enable everyone to develop

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IET: Engineering Work Experience for All

The  Institute for Engineering and Technology (ITE) has launched a campaign entitled ‘Engineering Work Experience for All’  in order to raise awareness of the value of high quality, practical work placements in helping to develop future engineers with the practical skills they need for the workplace. According to the IET 2016 Skills and Demand in Industry report, 62 per cent of engineering employers say graduates don’t have the right skills for today’s workplace, while 68 per

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Edinburgh International Film Festival 2017

The programme for EIFF Youth Hub 2017 is now live! Now in its fourth year, EIFF Youth Hub returns for four days packed with free practical filmmaking workshops, masterclasses and events for 15-25 year-olds. Whether you want to gain insights into animation or screenwriting, learn from experienced filmmakers about acting, cinematography or short filmmaking, or if you just want to network and step into a career in film – Youth Hub has

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SDS news: National STEM event at South Lanarkshire Council

Frank Devine, SDS Careers Adviser at Uddingston Grammar School, tells us more about a recent event supporting teachers to encourage young people to consider STEM careers.  ‘We understand the influential role teachers play in young people’s careers choices. Part of our role as Scotland’s national careers service is to ensure we work closely with, and support teachers to, offer the support young people need to make informed career decisions.  That

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