Last chance to enter the Scottish Education Awards 2015

We’ve received a fantastic number of entries for the Scottish Education Awards but times running out now. The awards showcase and celebrate the hard work and dedication across Scottish education. To be in with a chance of winning make sure you’re entries are in before midday on 16 February. A full list of categories and details on how to enter are on the Scottish Education Awards website. Get you’re entry

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Kings College University : Aspires Project 2014

Many governments and organisations are concerned that not enough young people are choosing to study Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) after the age of 16. There is also widespread concern that the profile of those who do go on to study STEM subjects and pursue STEM careers is too narrow, with women, working-class and some minority ethnic groups remaining under-represented, especially in the physical sciences and engineering. Particular STEM

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Scottish Learning Festival 2015 – Learning for Sustainability

The Scottish Learning Festival (SLF) 2015 will address the theme of raising attainment and achievement for all, with a focus on maximising educational outcomes through: local partnerships and collaboration – to share approaches that lead to better outcomes self-evaluation – to ensure creative and innovative approaches to sustained improvement work-related learning – to improve transitions into sustainable, productive employment. Is your establishment delivering Learning for Sustainability (LfS) that you would

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New STEM Scottish Education Award 2015

The Scottish Education Awards celebrate the hard work and success which takes place in Scottish education. They recognise the achievements of people who dedicate their lives to children and young people and showcase the valuable work and innovation in Scottish classrooms This year a new award category for STEM, Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics, has been introduced. This category recognises establishments who are helping children and young people develop STEM

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“What should I be?” – Careers in the Food and Drinks Industry

Education Scotland and partners link up with The Herald and Evening Times The third issue in a series of publications for young people called ‘What could I be?’ has been produced by The Herald and Evening Times newspapers, together with Education Scotland, the Scottish Government, Skills Development Scotland and the Scottish Qualifications Authority. Parents, carers and teachers will also find this innovative series of publications about careers helpful. This edition

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Submit your seminar proposals for SLF 2015

SLF 2015 takes place on Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 September in Glasgow. SLF provides high quality continuing professional learning and is a rendezvous for educational professionals both nationally and internationally, providing a unique platform to engage with a diverse range of experts, colleagues and suppliers. We are now accepting seminar proposals for the 2015 conference programme which will feature around 100 seminars over the 2 days. Is there a

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Save The Date: Social Studies and Digital Technologies Day

Social Studies and Digital Technologies Day organised by Education Scotland Date: 21st March 2015 Time: 9:30 – 3:00 Venue: Stirling Management Centre, Stirling Places: 40 – open to all primary and secondary practitioners This is an excellent CLPL opportunity to refresh and learn new approaches to integrating ICT and Technologies through Social Studies. There will be three exciting keynote speakers in the morning, followed by an afternoon session with a

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5 must-see apps for primary #outdoorlearning

Check out these apps and websites to support your outdoor learning journey! UK Ladybird survey: get counting and finding out about different types of ladybirds. What do your findings tell you about the biodiversity of your school grounds/local area?   iRecord butterfly app: find out about butterflies in your area and why they are important. Record your findings on the app or website and become a citizen scientist!  

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Sky Academy Skills Studios in Livingston

Sky Academy Skills Studios in Livingston is inviting you and your class to be part of an unforgettable, exciting and interactive learning experience! Already hugely popular in London, Sky Academy Skills Studios opens in Livingston in March 2015. This free half day learning experience gives young people between the ages of 8-18 the opportunity to use cutting edge technology to make their very own TV report based on a subject

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Scottish Learning Festival 2015 – save the dates

We’re delighted to announce that SLF 2015 will take place on Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 September in the SECC, Glasgow. SLF is the largest education event in Scotland and will focus on raising achievement and attainment. Those interested in presenting a seminar at the festival can submit a proposal in January, when further information will be available on the SLF website. Registration for the SLF will open in May,

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