Fly The Flag For Human Rights

New campaign to promote the benefits of human rights.  The Scottish Government’s #FlyTheFlag for human rights campaign is part of a contribution to the objectives of Scotland’s National Action Plan for Human Rights, where evidence demonstrates that people are insufficiently aware of their rights and do not feel empowered to claim their rights. New research carried out by You Gov has shown that one in five Scots believe that human

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Get outside and Get Learning!

Want to get outside and start finding out about the environment around you? These brand new professional learning videos from Scotland’s Environment are a great place to start. With information for practitioners and learners, they provide a step-by-step guide on how to measure soil pH, look for invertebrates in your local pond, sample small mammal populations and more! They are all part of an exciting new resource available from Scotland’s

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Millport Geography Weekend

There are still 10 places up for grabs at the Millport Geography Fieldwork weekend. DATE: Friday 4th September (evening) to Sunday 6th September Complete the Survey Monkey form to book a place. Attendance will be confirmed by email: Funded by Education Scotland, this FREE residential course is held at the Field Studies Council site on Millport.  View a full programme of the weekend here: This is an excellent oportunity

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5 must-see apps for science outdoors!

Check out these apps and websites to support your outdoor learning journey! UK Ladybird survey: get counting and finding out about different types of ladybirds. What do your findings tell you about the biodiversity of your school grounds/local area? iRecord butterfly app: find out about butterflies in your area and why they are important. Record your findings on the app or website and become a citizen scientist! OPAL Tree

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5 must-see apps for primary #outdoorlearning

Check out these apps and websites to support your outdoor learning journey! UK Ladybird survey: get counting and finding out about different types of ladybirds. What do your findings tell you about the biodiversity of your school grounds/local area?   iRecord butterfly app: find out about butterflies in your area and why they are important. Record your findings on the app or website and become a citizen scientist!  

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