DYW School Partnerships at Breadalbane Academy

Breadalbane Academy aims to create an inclusive environment in which all young people find a pathway to success. We offer a range of learning opportunities – both within and beyond the classroom – designed to develop well-rounded individuals ready for life and work.   Partnerships are at the heart of our approach.

Collaboration with partners is a key principle in curriculum design and we work with local and national employers as well as our community to co-design our curriculum. We are proud to have links with over 50 organisations and a robust network of partners with whom we have 3-5 year ‘partnership agreements’.
We offer a wide range of planned engagement opportunities for P1 to S6 and have created a system to monitor these to ensure sustainability and ongoing improvement. These activities are structured around nine ‘employment themes’ reflecting the local and national employment picture.  As much as possible we ensure these are interactive and provide hands-on learning which offers opportunities for creative thinking.

Increasingly activities are being cross-referenced with our school skillset and pupils are provided with opportunities to reflect on how the input has developed
their skills profile.

We know our wider community well, which enables us to understand the skills required to live and work here. Collaboration with businesses and parents allows us to create projects that specifically develop these important skills.
The school actively encourages pupils to engage with the world of work in all areas and interests.  These happen at every age and stage of their school career, giving pupils a wide breadth of ideas and
inspiration. The students at Breadalbane are not just learning to pass exams but gaining relevant knowledge and experience for the world of work.


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