Scottish Learning Festival 2019 DYW Workshops

The conference, organised by Education Scotland, boasts over 100 seminars and a fantastic line up of keynote speakers and opportunities for professional networking.

With a combination of top quality keynote speakers, interactive seminars and the ever popular exhibition, SLF is the ideal place to share thinking and discuss education.

25-26 September 2019

Information about this year’s DYW themed workshops can be found in the DYW-Flyer-SLF1 and in the summary below:

A whole school approach to developing and applying skills in problem based learning

Improving Gender Balance: Promoting equity through exploring gender stereotypes

Belonging, Believing, Achieving

Leadership for all to facilitate deep involvement in the life of the school and community, empowering learners to embed skills in a real life context

Recognising Wider Learning and Achievement – supporting equity and employability

Implementing a My World of Work profile to help young people showcase their skills and achievements
Education and Skills Committee
Empowering pupils to inspire others: A case study of STEM
Delivering skills for work – Laboratory Science in schools & colleges
Understand the learners: Use their motivations and aspirations to shape the curriculum

Attending the event supports your career long professional learning by helping to keep your professional practice fresh, up-to-date and relevant. You can also find opportunities to discover innovative practice, new resources and exchange knowledge and ideas with thousands of professional colleagues and experts.

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