SLF 2017: Submit a seminar proposal

slf-logoThe Festival provides high quality continuing professional learning and is a rendezvous for educational professionals both nationally and internationally, providing a unique platform to engage with a diverse range of experts, colleagues and suppliers.

Education Scotland organises the event and is now accepting seminar proposals for the 2017 conference programme which will feature around 100 seminars over two days.

Is there a project you have been working on that could be showcased? Or perhaps you are aware of establishments that demonstrate good practice? We would encourage you to share this information with your colleagues and networks and submit relevant proposals for consideration.

The theme for SLF 2017 is Promoting excellence and equity for Scotland’s children through:

  • empowering teachers, practitioners, parents, schools and communities;
  • strengthening partnerships, collaboration and networks to improve outcomes for children and young people;
  • building the professional capacity of teachers, practitioners and leaders;
  • fair and learner-centred funding; and
  • responsibility and accountability at all levels.

If you would like to submit a proposal for consideration please do so before midday on Monday 20 February. Proposals received after this date will not be considered for inclusion in the conference programme.

The 2017 conference programme and registration will be launched in May and will feature the sessions that have been submitted and selected for inclusion.

We look forward to receiving your proposals and hope you will contribute to SLF 2017 to help continue to deliver Scotland’s largest annual national education event. If you would like any further information about SLF 2017 please contact the SLF team.

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