Food and drink action plan targets higher level skills

An action plan aimed at helping Scotland’s food and drink employers attract a new generation of skilled professionals has been launched by the industry. The Skills Investment Plan for Scotland’s Food and Drink Sector features a series of measures aimed at helping businesses find fresh talent, develop leadership and management skills, and boost growth through innovation and efficiency. It aims to build on progress since the publication of the first

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SDS Programme: My World of Work Live

Louise Chisholm is Programme Manager of Skills Development Scotland’s My World of Work Live! She talks about its success so far in inspiring young people and teachers when it comes to STEM careers, and some of the exciting partnerships it involves. Scotland has a world-leading reputation in a range of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) industries including life sciences, chemical sciences, games technology, astrophysics and cosmology. But 45% of

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SDS: Help with subject choices

The subjects your child chooses at school can have an impact on what they can study at college or university and what jobs they can go for in the future. Skills Development Scotland careers advisers are available in schools for one-to-one sessions with pupils making early subject choices. Building career management skills, these sessions aim to prepare young people to make confident, informed subject choices. The careers adviser will support

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SCQF School Ambassador Programme

In 2015/16 the SCQF Partnership launched its School Ambassador programme with the aim of identifying and confirming SCQF Ambassadors in schools to raise awareness and understanding of the SCQF as well as promoting its use among learners, school staff and parents. A successful programme ensures the impact of the Framework is maximised, that it is perceived as a vital tool for progression and that the benefits of the Framework are

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