DYW – Youth Employment Strategy: Overview and milestones until 2021
Developing the Young Workforce is a seven-year programme that aims to better prepare children and young people from 3–18 for the world of work.
This programme builds on the foundations already in place as part of Curriculum for Excellence.
The programme’s headline aim is to reduce youth unemployment by 40% by 2021.
The final report of the Wood Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce was published in June 2014. It found broad agreement that all of our young people are entitled to an educational experience that is relevant to the world of work.
This is not just about education and training nor is it just about getting youth unemployment levels back to 2008 levels. It is about Scotland’s long term economic success and wellbeing … This will need strong leadership and firm commitments across the education and business sectors and in national and local government to deliver the changes.
The Government’s response to this report was published in the form of a Youth Employment Strategy, with a focus on improving work experience, careers information, advice and guidance and providing greater access to vocational learning.
The Youth Employment Strategy summarises the ambitions for local authorities, schools and their partners under the following key themes:
- Expanding the offer – increasing the route from schools into employment, or further education which is closely linked to employment;
- Promoting and shaping the offer – engaging with young people, parents, teachers and practitioners, partners and employers;
- Supporting teachers and practitioners to develop children’s and young people’s learning about the world of work;
- Providing earlier relevant, labour-market focussed career advice when young people need it, leading to better outcomes;
- Embedding meaningful employer involvement;
- Consolidating partnership working with colleges and other training providers.
The strategy also includes milestones for the next seven years across all sectors, challenging schools, colleges and employers to embrace the recommendations and implement the measures required to effect lasting change.
Downloadable documents
PDF file: Developing the young workforce – Scotland’s youth employment strategy (685 KB)
The milestones across all five ‘Changed Themes’ for 2014 -18 have been collated in the following documents:
Word file: Developing the young workforce – Milestones for 2014/15 (37 KB)
Word file: Developing the young workforce – Milestones for 2015/16 (40 KB)
Word file: Developing the young workforce – Milestones for 2016/17 (74 KB)
Word file: Developing the young workforce – Milestones for 2017/18 (56 KB)